Drill Baby, Drill..! Let’s begin in Utah!!

Let’s just cut to the chase and see what the Weasel-Meter looks like when it’s pointed at GW Bush…

From AP – Yahoo News:

Late on Election Day, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management announced a Dec. 19 auction of more than 50,000 acres of oil and gas parcels alongside or within view of Arches National Park and two other redrock national parks in Utah: Dinosaur and Canyonlands.


Arches National Park appears on the Utah license plates…


Now it will be surrounded by oil rigs within a four mile radius.

But it gets worse: Nobody bothered to tell the National Park Service.

The National Park Service’s top official in the state calls it “shocking and disturbing” and says his agency wasn’t properly notified. Environmentalists call it a “fire sale” for the oil and gas industry by a departing administration.

“We find it shocking and disturbing,” said Cordell Roy, the chief Park Service administrator in Utah. “They added 51,000 acres of tracts near Arches, Dinosaur and Canyonlands without telling us about it. That’s 40 tracts within four miles of these parks.”

Derk Kempthorn, Bush’s (Cabinet) Secretary on the Department of the Interior all claims life is grand between the two agencies. Yet, the Bureau of Land Management continues to patronize the National Park Service with snot like this:

“I’m puzzled the Park Service has been as upset as they are,” said Sierra.

“There are already many parcels leased around the parks. It’s not like they’ve never been leased,” she said. “I don’t see it as something we are doing to undermine the Park Service.”

While the country is visiting the voting booths voting for their next President of the United States, current President George W Bush was busy laying out plans to shit all over Utah by holding auctions to sell off the land including their most cherished an scenic National Parks.

I wonder if the good folks in Utah are chanting “Drill Baby, Drill!” as much as they were just a few months ago when they were here in St Paul?!? They probably figured Californians and those Floridians would be first and they simply chanted louder than everybody else that night….


3 Responses

  1. oh my god! they can’t be serious’ but i’am afraid they are as i went to articles on the drill, shouldn’t we be putting money into solar,and wind,freeway patterns that promote mass transit,turn off your stove light—does it need to be on all day while your gone! learn to recylcle even if it takes in extra 5 minutes out of your time,oh the list could go on and on, we need oil that will never end ,however it just shows that not only are the big 3 are in panick mode,but so is our government! love ya fruit fly,,,Craiggy

  2. Yes we are still screaming DRILL BABY!! DRILL!
    Maybe you prefer to be dependent on foreign oil?

  3. Hi,
    I am looking for an uncopyrighted photo of the Arches. I saw the photo you used for your Nov. 18, 2008 blog and was wondering if it is copyrighted. We need one for an upcoming article about National Parks on eBay Classifieds blog.

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