Gay Republicans in Minnesota: Where can we send them?!

I don’t understand why politicians vote against their own personal best interests, let alone the best interests of the community as a whole.

But, that’s what we’ve got here in this situation and that’s why I have to write this post as another “Minnesota Republican Exposed”. It’s just sad.fruitfly21

Andy Birkey, over at the Minnesota Independent brings us this tiny blurb about Republican Senator Paul Koering, R-Fort Ripley (Minnesota). Senator Koering is openly gay, but votes homophobic! And I just don’t understand it…

Mr. Birkey writes in a piece titled Minnesota’s gay Republican will not vote for marriage equality bill:

State Sen. Paul Koering, R-Fort Ripley, told KLKS on Friday that he will not vote for the Marriage and Family Protection Act, a bill that would make Minnesota’s marriage laws gender-neutral, allowing same-sex couples many of the rights currently denied by Minnesota statute. Koering, who is gay and a Republican, said he would vote against it because the state faces bigger problems.

The last line is always the tell, isn’t it? Senator Koering is going to vote against this measure because the state has bigger problems.


Does that mean that Senator Koering is going to vote against, say… School lunch programs too?

The state does have bigger problems than a “School Lunch” issue. Feeding low-income school children is a serious problem for the Republican Party, is-it-not?

Senator Koering (R-MN) adds:

“I think some of the gay activists will be upset with me for this, but sometimes I think an agenda is pushed so far and so fast that people have no alternative but to push back,” Koering told Raw Story at the time. “And I think that sometimes you have to move slowly.

Please tell me – what agenda is being pushed so fast that requires Senator Koering to “push back”?

Would Senator Koering have voted against letting women vote for elected officials in this country? (That was a pretty fast moving agenda, afterall – wouldn’t you agree?!?)  …Your Mom, your Aunt.. ehem .. your sister..  <- They get to viote these days and now you have to reconcile their decisions..

And to think; “Minnesota Senator Paul Koering is gay!” He’s a Homosexual! <-  Brainerd and Ft Ripley folks hate him because he’s Gay and he’s proudly Inferior to the heterosexuals of his districts.  Senator Koering is patsy to the Conservative Christian Elite.

The Stonewall Riots took place forty years ago this coming June 2009.


fruitfly21Is that an agenda that’s a little too fast for his queasy stomach?! Better question asked; “How much slower should it go?

I don’t want to sound simplistic or sarcastic — but honestly: “Forty years isn’t enough?”

Would measured half-centuries be slow enough?

pink-triangle2It’s been over seventy years since gay men were thrown into concentration camps by the Nazis.

Whether Senator Koering believes it or not: There used to be a thriving liberal and progressive Germans in that day and gay and lesbian Germans were slowing gaining status within Germany high society crowds. In fact, the first modern Gay Rights Activist was Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1825-1895) who argued that homosexuality was as natural as being left-handed. Adolf Hitler put a stop to all of it and he gave the gay community the symbol we now wear with pride: The famous Pink Triangle, but hung upside down.

Was this an agenda that was … ehem – “Pushed too fast” for the Minnesota Senator?

I’ll ask again: “Was 70 years of political equality enough time for Senator Koering?”

I’m thinking the Senator shouldn’t even be seen around the pink triangle these days. It’s probably an “agenda” that’s just too fast for him and he should push back by just not being near any ping triangle symbols.

It was about 600 years ago when they accused and tied (alleged) witches up to a pyre, surround it in wood, pouring fueling oil over all of it, including the helpless “witches”. The priests and religous bigots would shout into the crowds: “GET THE FAGGOT! GET THE FAGGOT!” The crowds would scramble around and grab any guy they guessed who might be gay, lead him out of the crowed…Expected to be murdered. burn1

The priest and the religious bigots; conducted this monstrous and act would then order these “faggots” to be bound up with kindling wood. They doused their bodies in the same fueling oil and then light all of them on fire. Of course; the screaming and horrified “faggots” would eventually collapse and fall down — -and that’s when the crowds would kick their flaming bodies and roll all of them into the pyre and watch in a delighted horror as all of the fueling oil burst into a frenzied heat. The crowds had to step back because of the ferocious flames, while those on the pier and the poor (alleged) gay guys at the base were screaming in horror. The priests and the religious bigots would calmly lead the group in singing hymns and praises to the Lord.

Little children hid behind skirts while they listened to their mothers, their uncles and their aunts screaming in unbridled agony because their bodies were literally on fire.

The Church spent some paying for new techniques and methods of discovering more “witches”. Two Scottish men were given a decree and money from his Holiness, the Pope — to wander around throughout Europe to look for women who simply had a mole on their skin. They claimed the mole was where the “Devil had kissed them” while they fornicated with Him. All of the females, ages 12 and up, were told to stand in lines, naked from the waste up, and wait for these two Scottish “businessmen” conduct their “inspections” for moles. All of it was necessary, the the Christian Church, to keep their congregations obedient.

Of course, there was never a shortage of “faggots”.

But. Senator Koering of Fort Ripley here thinks this whole “gay agenda” is going a wee bit too fast for his taste. So, he’s going to “push back” because “the state as bigger problems to deal with these days”.

Say Senator! I have one finger that’s sticking straight up in the air – I’ll let you guess which one it is!

Gay Republicans. What’s the deal with them anyway? They’re like… “Jews for Jesus”, or “Black Klu Klux Klansman”… “Doctors for Self-Medication” or something.FruitFly 6

To learn more about how the Christian Church behaved during the Witchcraft Trials, read “Servants of Satan; the Age of the Witch Hunts” by Joseph Klaits, 1985. If the book will do anything; it’ll make you seriously consider the levels of cruelty that the Church will happily venture towards if given the power and the authority.