Ann Coulter: She’ll Lie By Omission and Admission At The Same Time

Ann CoulterPoor pathetic little Ann.  That Adams Apple just bobs up and down while she lies her little fanny off, all for the American people to see.

When she prattles on along with that condescending,  snotty tone of hers, why do people find that appealing? She’s missing her tennis racket, her white Nike visor a fuzzy green ball and her BFF’s Tiffany and Amber!

See Ann Lie.

Lie Ann, Lie!

Senator David Vitter (R-LA) was a phlanderer and he wasn’t punished.  Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) was caught and plead guilty for being a philanderer and he’s still in office.

She blames Barney Frank for being a philanderer and that’s another lie!  Barney Frank’s boyfriend was caught running a prostitution ring, not Barney Frank!

Lie Ann, Lie!

h/t Joe.My.God.

Gay Republicans in Minnesota: Where can we send them?!

I don’t understand why politicians vote against their own personal best interests, let alone the best interests of the community as a whole.

But, that’s what we’ve got here in this situation and that’s why I have to write this post as another “Minnesota Republican Exposed”. It’s just sad.fruitfly21

Andy Birkey, over at the Minnesota Independent brings us this tiny blurb about Republican Senator Paul Koering, R-Fort Ripley (Minnesota). Senator Koering is openly gay, but votes homophobic! And I just don’t understand it…

Mr. Birkey writes in a piece titled Minnesota’s gay Republican will not vote for marriage equality bill:

State Sen. Paul Koering, R-Fort Ripley, told KLKS on Friday that he will not vote for the Marriage and Family Protection Act, a bill that would make Minnesota’s marriage laws gender-neutral, allowing same-sex couples many of the rights currently denied by Minnesota statute. Koering, who is gay and a Republican, said he would vote against it because the state faces bigger problems.

The last line is always the tell, isn’t it? Senator Koering is going to vote against this measure because the state has bigger problems.


Does that mean that Senator Koering is going to vote against, say… School lunch programs too?

The state does have bigger problems than a “School Lunch” issue. Feeding low-income school children is a serious problem for the Republican Party, is-it-not?

Senator Koering (R-MN) adds:

“I think some of the gay activists will be upset with me for this, but sometimes I think an agenda is pushed so far and so fast that people have no alternative but to push back,” Koering told Raw Story at the time. “And I think that sometimes you have to move slowly.

Please tell me – what agenda is being pushed so fast that requires Senator Koering to “push back”?

Would Senator Koering have voted against letting women vote for elected officials in this country? (That was a pretty fast moving agenda, afterall – wouldn’t you agree?!?)  …Your Mom, your Aunt.. ehem .. your sister..  <- They get to viote these days and now you have to reconcile their decisions..

And to think; “Minnesota Senator Paul Koering is gay!” He’s a Homosexual! <-  Brainerd and Ft Ripley folks hate him because he’s Gay and he’s proudly Inferior to the heterosexuals of his districts.  Senator Koering is patsy to the Conservative Christian Elite.

The Stonewall Riots took place forty years ago this coming June 2009.


fruitfly21Is that an agenda that’s a little too fast for his queasy stomach?! Better question asked; “How much slower should it go?

I don’t want to sound simplistic or sarcastic — but honestly: “Forty years isn’t enough?”

Would measured half-centuries be slow enough?

pink-triangle2It’s been over seventy years since gay men were thrown into concentration camps by the Nazis.

Whether Senator Koering believes it or not: There used to be a thriving liberal and progressive Germans in that day and gay and lesbian Germans were slowing gaining status within Germany high society crowds. In fact, the first modern Gay Rights Activist was Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1825-1895) who argued that homosexuality was as natural as being left-handed. Adolf Hitler put a stop to all of it and he gave the gay community the symbol we now wear with pride: The famous Pink Triangle, but hung upside down.

Was this an agenda that was … ehem – “Pushed too fast” for the Minnesota Senator?

I’ll ask again: “Was 70 years of political equality enough time for Senator Koering?”

I’m thinking the Senator shouldn’t even be seen around the pink triangle these days. It’s probably an “agenda” that’s just too fast for him and he should push back by just not being near any ping triangle symbols.

It was about 600 years ago when they accused and tied (alleged) witches up to a pyre, surround it in wood, pouring fueling oil over all of it, including the helpless “witches”. The priests and religous bigots would shout into the crowds: “GET THE FAGGOT! GET THE FAGGOT!” The crowds would scramble around and grab any guy they guessed who might be gay, lead him out of the crowed…Expected to be murdered. burn1

The priest and the religious bigots; conducted this monstrous and act would then order these “faggots” to be bound up with kindling wood. They doused their bodies in the same fueling oil and then light all of them on fire. Of course; the screaming and horrified “faggots” would eventually collapse and fall down — -and that’s when the crowds would kick their flaming bodies and roll all of them into the pyre and watch in a delighted horror as all of the fueling oil burst into a frenzied heat. The crowds had to step back because of the ferocious flames, while those on the pier and the poor (alleged) gay guys at the base were screaming in horror. The priests and the religious bigots would calmly lead the group in singing hymns and praises to the Lord.

Little children hid behind skirts while they listened to their mothers, their uncles and their aunts screaming in unbridled agony because their bodies were literally on fire.

The Church spent some paying for new techniques and methods of discovering more “witches”. Two Scottish men were given a decree and money from his Holiness, the Pope — to wander around throughout Europe to look for women who simply had a mole on their skin. They claimed the mole was where the “Devil had kissed them” while they fornicated with Him. All of the females, ages 12 and up, were told to stand in lines, naked from the waste up, and wait for these two Scottish “businessmen” conduct their “inspections” for moles. All of it was necessary, the the Christian Church, to keep their congregations obedient.

Of course, there was never a shortage of “faggots”.

But. Senator Koering of Fort Ripley here thinks this whole “gay agenda” is going a wee bit too fast for his taste. So, he’s going to “push back” because “the state as bigger problems to deal with these days”.

Say Senator! I have one finger that’s sticking straight up in the air – I’ll let you guess which one it is!

Gay Republicans. What’s the deal with them anyway? They’re like… “Jews for Jesus”, or “Black Klu Klux Klansman”… “Doctors for Self-Medication” or something.FruitFly 6

To learn more about how the Christian Church behaved during the Witchcraft Trials, read “Servants of Satan; the Age of the Witch Hunts” by Joseph Klaits, 1985. If the book will do anything; it’ll make you seriously consider the levels of cruelty that the Church will happily venture towards if given the power and the authority.

Peggy Noonan: You’re a freaking Idiot!

newbiesWhy am I not surprised?  I’m channel surfing while eating my Cheerios this morning and I whizzed by the CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) that apparently shares airtime on the Disney Channel.  Just enough to see that famous Hate Monger Pat Robertson on the 700 Club break away to an interview with Peggy Noonan.  Now you know me – If there’s a “liberal journalist” out there, I wanna hear what they have to say!

Scott Ross, the 700 Club geek gets to conduct the interview – Let’s see what this “liberal journalist” has to say, shall we?

Peggy: I am patriotic. I like these days, to draw the line between patriotism and nationalism. Patriotism is love of county. Nationalism is breast beating ‘we are number 1 and we can kick your butt.’ Look, politically, we want to be a great nation. We want Washington to stop, breathe in, resettle itself, and realize we are in a key moment.

Scott: OK, can we give Barack the benefit of the doubt at this point?

Obama has been in office less than sixteen days and they’re wondering whether or not they should cut him some slack?

Peggy: Look, he is a new president. Fifty-three percent of people voted for him, 46 did not – and did not in the time of two wars and economic collapse. So, you’ve got to realize that’s a lot of not support for Obama – 56 million people. What do you owe your new president? Grace. Give him a chance. Pray for him, seriously. Hope that as he prospers, we prosper. Hope that a new wisdom will come upon him as sometimes happens with a president.

Now you can go look at the original transcript and you can see for yourself that the word “not” is in italics and it’s been inserted in the wrong location.  Grammatically, the sentence doesn’t make any sence. “…That’s a lot of not support for Obama”?  She either said “that’s a lot of non-support for Obama” or she said “That’s a lot of support for Obama” and I’m betting she said the latter.  The idiots at the 700 Club screwed it up when they wrote the transcript.

Scott: Where does this leave the GOP? It was probably ‘76 the last time they were beaten this bad in the polls. And the differences between now and then – does this leave the GOP out in the wilderness?

Peggy: Yes.

Scott: They’re out?

Peggy: They are refiguring. There are times in life, in your life and mine, but also in political lives, where a great party has suffered a series of defeats – ’06, ’08; where it has perhaps lost touch with the American people, and where you have to settle down and redefine yourself.

They’re “reconfiguring”!?!  They’re not reconfiguring, Honey – THEY’RE DYING! goptoetag

But Scott’s worried and you see it in his word-choice:

Scott: What are the positives now for the republicans?

Peggy: What are the positives? Well, in a cheap way, you can sit back and criticize the other guy for his stupid decisions. And let’s face it, a republican congress and a republican president have made plenty of mistakes. The fun is also, look – regeneration.

Scott: How do your personal spiritual beliefs inform what you write?

Peggy: I think they inform me as a human being; they inform everything I see and everything I think. I think about God more than I go to church, if you know what I mean. And I think that’s true of so many Christians. God’s on my mind. I ought to pray as much as God’s on my mind, because then I’d pray a lot. All I can tell you is God is real and so that infuses everything.

Ahhh…Now we know why Peggy Noonan has been on the 700 Club some twenty-eight times in the past six years!  She’s a right-winger like the rest of the lot!  She’s  a shill for the Right Wing Machine!

Scott: There are major issues that become political, but are really moral:  abortion, stem-cell research, homosexual marriage. Do you write about these things? Will you write about these things?

Peggy: Oh, sometimes. I wrote most recently about abortion when Obama and McCain were in the Rick Warren interview. However, you remember, there was that key moment when Rick Warren said to each candidate, ‘tell me, at what point does a fetus deserve human rights?’ (Obama video clip: Obama said, “to answer that question with specificity is – above my pay grade.’) I just thought, above your pay grade? Abortion is the issue that will never go away. And every kid in America who buys a condom knows when life begins – do you know what I mean? Buying a pack of condoms tells you, you know exactly when it begins!

WHAT?!?!  Just a few seconds ago she said about Barack Obama: “What do you owe your new president? Grace. Give him a chance. Pray for him, seriously.”  Seriously – You’re criticizing the President for something he said before he was President and you want us to give him a chance?!  Peggy Noon: You’re a freaking idiot!

And you’re wrong Peggy Noonan: Every kid in America buying a condom doesn’t know when life begins, nor does the kid really care.  The only thing going through that overly-hormoned kid when he’s buying a condom is thinking he’s going get laid and see what his girlfriends boobies look like outside of that training bra, you stupid stupid Little Shill.

Shortly after John McCain (R-AZ) announced Sarah “the Pit Bull/Barracuda/Grizzly Mom” Palin (R-AK) last September,  Peggy Noonan was at a luncheon where the topic of McCain’s choice was brought up.  She was heard saying that McCain’s “campaign was “over”.  She went out on a retraction by saying:FruitFly 6

She doesn’t believe McCain can’t win. Indeed, in a message she sent out after the conversation on the MSNBC set made it onto YouTube, she noted that “at an on-the-record press symposium on the campaign on Monday, when all of those on the panel were pressed to predict who would win, I said that I didn’t know, but that we just might find, ‘This IS a country for old men.’ That is, McCain may well win. I do not think the campaign is over, I do not think this is settled …”

Oh Sweet Jesus… She’s not only a Press Whore for the GOP – She’s a certifiable moron.

Another GOP Sex Scandal: Norm Coleman Campaign Donor

HA! Pams House Blend picked it up from on the newest sex scandal within the GOP. This one is out of Texas (why not?!) and is just as tawdry and hypocritical as the rest of that sleazy dirty-minded bunch.

RosenthalCharles (Chuck) Rosenthal, Houston, TX was the famous attorney who blew it (no pun intended) for all of those stupid Sodomy Laws throughout the country. Rosenthal argued that homosexuality, along with adultry was not protected under any form of privacy because it cough cough it didn’t protect the American families and preserve marriage and reproduce.

The 2003 case was notably called “Johnson v Texas“.

His argument was taken all the way up to the US Supreme Court where the entire Sodomy Law “concept” fell down for all of the states. Finally; states had to devise a new and improve ways to harass the gays and lesbians.

Rosenthal said:

“I think that this Court having determined that there are certain kinds of conduct that it will accept and certain kinds of conduct it will not accept may draw the line at the bedroom door of the heterosexual married couple because of the interest that this Court has that this Nation has and certainly that the State of Texas has for the preservation of marriage, families and the procreation of children.”

…Chuck went on to say:hypocrisy

Even if you infer that various States acting through their legislative process have repealed sodomy laws, there is no protected right to engage in extrasexual – extramarital sexual relations, again, that can trace their roots to history or the traditions of this nation.”

Well, now that’s all thrown out the window. All of that “protected privacy” crap disappeared when Rosenthal’s office PC ended up in a civil lawsuit. It turns out that his hard drive revealed that he’s been having an affair with his executive secretary (assumed a female “sexitary”<?>). To make matters worse, the drive revealed that in addition to his love for racist jokes (and which GOP’er doesn’t love a good racist joke now and again), but he loves to check out sex videos during his spare time (dirty old man). Even though his election term runs out this November, Harris County might fire him for “official misconduct”. (Let’s hope someone cleans that keyboard before it gets adopted by somebody else!)

HA! …I love the smell of a fried Republican hypocrites in the morning!

So I trekked off to see who this guy’s contributed to which GOP and I find out that September 19, 2006 he dontated $500 to … drum roll please: NORM COLEMAN!!!

ColemanOh NOOOO!!! Say it ain’t so Norman!! You aren’t taking money from adulterers and porn kings, are you?!! Plastic surgeries, taking money from perverts… Shoot! You can bitch about liberal Hollywood types but you’re more Hollywood than any of them!

In 2008, Norm continues on as the Republican ideology known as “Hate Politics”. He’s rarely cared about what Minnesotans want, or expects out of our Federal Government. Instead, he’s spent six years listening to what King George wants, what Big Corrupt Corporations wants, and what high-profile homophobes want.FruitFly

If Norm is going to take campaign money from hate mongers, then it’s time he justifies it. Paul Wellstone wouldn’t hesitate one second to explain each and every nickel and dime he took for his own campaigns. Why should Hollywood Norm get a free pass for taking cash from perverts from Texas?

RuPaul to Michele Bachmann: “I’ve just one thing to say…YOU’D BETTER WORK”

Old FruitfliesMichele Bachmann (R-MN) has opened her mouth and said something completely moronic…again. This time she isn’t groping GW Bush and hoping to swap some spit with him. Nor has she shown up with her gay fabulous husband at the I-35W bridge to laugh at the dead Minnesotans who’s bodies are rotting on the riverbed floor.

This time she’s insulted every citizen in Minnesota by jumping into the promotion of a bill called “The Middle Class Protection Act“. It’s a bill that doesn’t protect the middle class at all. In fact, the Middle Class isn’t even an equation in the bill at all! It’s a bill that cuts corporate taxes by 25%.

HA! “When was the last time the Middle Class saw a 25% tax cut, Ms. Former Tax Attorney?”

vomitBachmann will vote against Minnesota’s kids to get health care and she’ll give away 25% tax cuts for businesses… With a Congresscritter like that, who needs terrorists?! We’re already voting them in to office!

But Buchmann shows about as concerned about the Middle Class as she is about her husband’s missing ball-gag.

Thrilled by her narcissistic “brilliance”, Bachmann decides to brag it up about her new bill at a pres conference. (She’s not only counting big corporate donations to her campaign, ya know!). In front of hundreds of flashing bulbs and the dank odor of Old Spice coming from her audience, Bachmann smiles brightly and clears her throat. She grabs the the microphone, exactly like her husband taught her… A firm grip at the base, not so hard at the end…She pulls out the wad of Bazooka Joe that’s in her mouth and says:housefly

“I am so proud to be from the state of Minnesota,” Bachmann said at a press conference today. “We’re the workingest state in the country, and the reason why we are, we have more people that are working longer hours, we have people that are working two jobs.”

…This, from a woman who’s whoring with the worst President of the United States and who’s husband has the largest collection of crop-whips north of the Mason-Dixon Line and east of the Pecos.

Bachmann wiggled away from the podium looking like a langostino wrapped in bacon, stopped once to picked the pink spandex Capris out of the crack in her ass and disappeared in her stretched limo. She didn’t bother to answer any questions. She never does. Nobody even got to ask if she even knew Minnesota lost 2,300 jobs in December alone. Not that anyone would expect her to know; she wouldn’t care anyway.

Black Garbage FlyOn that same day, Electrolux, a corporation in St Cloud, MN and deep inside Bachmann’s 6th District, laid off 190 employees. Do you think Michelle Bachmann knew that? If she did, and I ain’t sayin’ one way or the other; she could have thought intelligently about Minnesota’s inflation rate is currently at a 17 year high.

Bob Olson, a DFL candidate who’s expected to bring some form of respect to the citizens in Minnesota’s CD 6th, was quick for a response to Congresswoman Bachmann’s disgusting arrogance. In his own press release today, Mr. Olson said:

Folks don’t take extra hours or extra jobs for fun, congresswoman. They’re trying to survive. If you got out and talked to real folks, not handpicked audiences, you’d realize that health care costs are soaring; that college tuition is beyond the reach of many deserving students; and that gas prices are putting a pinch on many families–resulting in higher prices at the grocery store.

Hooche-mama… Nastay..! And he goes on:Pig Lipstick

I understand that you’re putting lipstick on our pig of an economy because the president you blindly support is running America into the ground, but touting the hardships that too many families from St. Cloud to Woodbury are enduring is absolutely offensive.

And after he’s bloodied her nose, he said:

Minnesota would be better served if you became the ‘workingest’ congresswoman in Washington and started seriously addressing the challenges our country faces. The people of our district didn’t send you to Washington to cozy up to the oil companies that are polluting our environment; the corporate titans that outsource our jobs; or the health insurance companies that jack up our premiums. They sent you there to work.

FruitFly 6And that, my friends, is a political Throwdown. If your Mother says shit like that to you, you don’t forget it for a very long time. If your minister says to you..”Look, the people sent you up there to DC to work…not shoot your mouth off like you’re an idiot…” You listen, and you best listen well. And, if RuPaul says it: Well…

Michelle Malkin’s newest gig: Deride and whine about the Housing Foreclosure Victims


houseflyUmmm… You have to click on it, Silly!!


FruitFly 6

Walter Reed: Nothing new there! It’s still a *@%^-hole Hospital

TruthoutTruthout is reporting a story of a military nurse who’s sent letters and requests to General Schumacher on what the hospital’s needs are. Schumacher was the replacement for Major General George W. Weightman who was the one in charge when the news broke that our wounded soldiers were tea-bagging in their own urine and feces. What our whistle blower received as a response to his notifying General Schumacher is a backlash against him and massive amounts of infections and dangerous bacterias.

Former Army Lt. and military nurse Doug Connor sat down for an interview with Truthout reporter Geoffrey Millard to share his experience before and after the Walter Reed Medical Center scandal broke.

Encouraged by the firings of top military officials as a result of the problems at Walter Reed, Connor spoke out about the dilapidated conditions at Walter Reed. He sent a letter to Gen. Gregory A. Schumacher with recommendations for improving conditions in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) where there were equipment shortages and outbreaks of infectious bacteria, including extremely dangerous drug-resistant forms of Acinetobacter baumannii, a bacterium that has been ravaging injured soldiers in Iraq and in domestic military hospitals.

Does anybody remember when they said if we “didn’t support the troops we were being unpatriotic“?!

Well here’s the GOP’s idea of “supporting the troops” and their idea behind “patriotism”.

The infection problems caused other units within the hospital to lose faith in the ICU’s ability to care for surgical patients. Because of the infections, “the kidney transplant team will not recover their patients in the surgical ICU anymore,” Connor said in the interview.

According to Connor, his recommendations were not acted upon. Instead, he claims that he was retaliated against. “I thought he would thank me for letting him know where there were areas that needed to be fixed … I have been retaliated against because of the letters that I have sent out. It is pretty transparent … Everyone that has seen what happened around me is just like ‘yeah, they’re going after you.'”

FruitFly 6It just makes you wanna stand up and salute that Commander of Chief of ours, don’t it?!

Yeah… Those Republicans sure deserve a lot of respect for their “leadership skills”.

UPDATE: Since too few bother reading the COMMENTS section, it’s worth posting this one front and center.

Ms Marcie Hascall Clark from  left this tiny tidbit of extra happy news:

The Acinetobacter baumannii that Conner brought up in this interview is a problem they could have contained back in 2003 if they had put as much effort into cleaning up their act as they did trying to cover up the mess.
The Acinetobacter baumanni from the military evacuation system from Iraq has spread throughout the military health system, the VA health system, the NIH, and on to civilian hospitals all across the US and to the countries of the coalition.
They fast tracked this bug, along with MRSA and some others, to extreme drug resistance. The military strains of Acinetobacter baumannii have grown resistant to every anti microbial available.
Check it out at

…It would appear that not only has Bush’s complete incompetence in leadership has left us in a lose-lose situation in Iraq, but has also stupidly introduced a wickedly harmful slew of foreign bacteria into our own health care system and consequently; our society.

We’ll forever remember the stupidity of this President and the Republicans for which he stands…

Need We Say More…

GOP Texas Delegation

They’ll be here in Minneapolis/St Paul in less than a year.

…And the stench is expected to remain for decades.

David Huckabee: Is he gay or just a sleazy “businessman”?

Dear God… It’s a Sleazy Family Christmas for the Huckleberry Hound family. The more we look at these Arkansas hillbillies, the more tawdry and pathetic they appear. That’s “Super Chunk” David in the middle. That’s his sister on his left and his other brother “Mega Chunk” John Mark (who’s middle name is “Matthew Luke”). Dave here seems to be nothing more than a giant sized asshole who’s never seen an empty can of Slim Fast.


Yeah I can tell. You’re thinking exactly what I’m thinking: “The verticle stripes are so slimming!!” Or were you noticing the deer-hunting outfits the girls are wearing?!

My husband life-partner said when he saw the picture: “Dear God, we need the ASPCA to rescue that dog!”Candyland

Cheezus… Those boys never played a friendly game of Candyland when they were little….They ate it!

In April 2007, David walks into the Little Rock airport packing a loaded Glock (and forty-two dozen Hostess Ho-Ho’s) stuffed in his carry-on baggage. Once the X-Ray machine alerted the TSA:

“I removed the bag and asked Mr. Huckabee if he knew what he had in the bag,” Little Rock police officer Arthur Nugent wrote in a report after being summoned to a security checkpoint. “He replied he did now.”

Yeah… He knew and he didn’t give a fuck. Like the Bush Twins, he’s another Republican spoiled brat who couldn’t give a shit about anybody but himself. They always say that the PK’s are the worse too. But when you’re the PK and your daddy’s a prominent Republican, it gives you the right to just walk on into an airport, stroll on through the security detail with a loaded Glock and nobody will ever call you a terrorist. And when he’s asked if he knew he had it – he just shrugs and says; “Yeah…so what? Big deal. What’s you’re problem with that?”

Baby HueyIn December 2001, Baby Huey here was slapped for running a business in Jonesboro (Arkansas State University) without a license. Ordered to march his ass over to the city collector’s office and paid the $62.50 fine. So he goes and pays the fee with a bag full of 6,250 pennies.

When asked if he wanted to comment to The Herald, a visibly dissatisfied Huckabee said, “I don’t think so.”

While Huckabee would not discuss the payment with the press, he did tell city employees of his disgust with the media treatment of the situation.

Huckabee also voiced concern over the attention he was receiving.

“Obviously, there is nothing better to cover on campus than me licensing my company,” Huckabee said. “You’d think they would realize no one even reads that paper, or even takes them seriously yet here they are.”

Well Asshole, it would appear that everybody is reading that newspaper these days!

musketeers Did you notice the reporter explain this arrogant prick’s mouth?

While Huckabee would not discuss the payment with the press, he did tell city employees of his disgust with the media treatment of the situation.

He stomps his lard-ass up the steps of city hall carrying a bag of 6,250 pennies. Sweating profusely from the exertion of the seven steps from the curb, he huffs and puffs down the hallway…an exhausting thirteen feet. Red faced and severely deprived of desperately needed oxygen, he slams the bag on the counter and pulls out a Mars bar. While he’s pulling out the endless supply of saturated fats, he impatiently glares at the clerk who has to count each and every damned penny. Grover Welch, the author of this article, asked him if he had any comment and Huckabee didn’t. Instead, he belches six times, whips out a giant-sized bag of M&M’s and bitches at the city employees about his disappointment with the media’s attention.

What a disgusting and pathetic little boy…

…All because he tried to avoid paying a licensing fee to the city.

He paid the fine because a month earlier, the Arkansas State University Herald ran a story on Baby Huey, saying he was running illegals businesses on campus selling bullshit to the students. Crap like ball-point pens and promotional concessional trash to the Student Activities Board. At the time, he “owned” two businesses; “H & K Enterprises” and “Pyro-Erectus”.

Pyro-Erectus?! Flaming hard-on? Hot cock? Dick that shoots flames?! Who names a business “pyro-erectus”? If that isn’t “gay”, or at least “wanna-be” gay… I don’t know what is!!

David Huckabee is a doucheBut Super Chunk thinks he can avoid paying the $62 licensing fee by bullshitting his way out of it.

H & K Enterprises and Pyro-Erectus are not businesses, but partnerships, said Huckabee, a senior speech communications and political science major of Little Rock.

According to Ken Saddler spokesman for the City Clerk’s Office, neither H & K Enterprises nor Pyro-Erectus are licensed as businesses to operate within Jonesboro. According to Saddler, this is illegal no matter the amount of money being made by a business.

marsYou see…It’s all all okay now. Partnerships are free and clear to do whatever he feels like or eats. He goes on, let’s see if you can see the “spoiled-rotten part” in this arrogant Republican asshole.

“They are not technically businesses, per se. I am a person who has a partner and we have a joint checking account, is basically what it is,” Huckabee said. “I understand what they [the city clerk’s office] think because it is portrayed to them that this is a business operation. But it’s not a business. It’s me operating with a partner ­ who have a joint checking account with a different name on it.

“That’s why my business doesn’t file taxes. We each file our own individual taxes because the partnership is just basically a checking account. The business is a joint checking account.”

What’s with all the bullshit about his “partner”? Is he trying to come out of the closet or what?!

Huckabee compared his companies to a kid who mows lawns for his neighbors.

He’s not going to go register his business with the city clerk’s office, because he cuts his next-door- neighbors-on-either-side’s grass. Even though that is a legitimate business,” he said. “It’s completely legitimate that I provide a service.

I don’t have a business; I provide services that I can do. I called my tax attorneys. He said, basically, you don’t have a business, you have a partnership.”

TwixYeah… He has a “tax attorney” like my little brother has H&R Block.  You can plug your nose and repeat that last paragraph out loud and you probably would sound like the arrogant asshole too. And what’s with the over-extended explanation of his “partner”. He goes on and on, bloviating about his “partnerships” all in the effort to avoid having to pay a licensing fee.

Who’s the partner?! We can offer him a Tic-tac for that soured cream-filling smell on his breath, but pray tell who is that “partner” of his?

And he pulls the “poor pity me” thing too. This is a favorite for both Republicans and “conservative Christians”: “They’re always hating me because I’m a Republican!” Or it’s like Scarborough said about Tom DeLay: He’s persecuted because he’s a Christian.

…No, it’s because they’re total jerks.

Fluff This is Super Chunk’s excuse:

“Trust me, when you have a last name that people like to attack on a regular basis, you make sure that what you do is legal. So, yes, my business, or the things or the services that I provide, are legal to operate,” Huckabee said.

Aww yeah… He’s such a celebrity there in Jonesboro. He’s got that Britney Gucci look, and the chicks all want to run their hands up and down the flabby folds of his body and get their groove on with him. When Baby Huey thunders on past, all the girls stop and stare with an animal-like lust in their eye… But it’s bittersweet, you know?! When you’re that damned popular…you just have to learn to be harassed.

He’s busted for running unlicensed businesses and all he had to do is pay $62.50. Instead, he shows up a month later with a fucking bag full of pennies and stands there bitching at the clerk because the media ran the story. What a pathetic fuck.

Jesus loves you but everybody else thinks you’re an asshole!

FruitFly(This blog entry was brought to you “Douche” perfume. Scroll up and click on the Douche’s picture to learn how you too can smell like total Douche. It even comes with its own Douche bag!!)




Same Crime: Michael Vick – 23 months | Mike Huckabee’s son David – 0 months

Via Show Me Progress blog.

Dogster noted that

It turns out that David Huckabee, the then Governor of Arkansas’s son, hung and murdered a stray dog while Huckabee was at a Boy Scout Camp. Guess what? No charges were filed even though there were witnesses and Huckabee was dismissed from the camp because he failed to live up to the Boy Scout creed of “Scouts are kind.”

Published in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 8/7/98:

Governor’s son 1 of 2; fired at Scout camp; after stray dog killed


The younger son of Gov. Mike Huckabee and another teen were fired last month from jobs at a Boy Scout camp after the killing of a stray dog.

Marcal Young of Texarkana, scout executive of the Caddo Area Council that operates the camp where the dog was killed, said this week that two boys violated a Scout law, “A Scout is kind.”

Young would not release the names of the boys nor explain how the dog, “probably a mixed breed,” was killed.

The two teens reported the event immediately and said they had made a mistake.
“They felt it [the dog] was ill and what have you, still our policy is it was inappropriate behavior,” Young said.

He would not say what the boys thought was wrong with the dog, but he said they did not suspect rabies.

Members of the camp staff receive training before camp starts and are told what it means to be “a good role model,” Young said.

An anonymous, unconfirmed report describing a particular process of killing the dog and naming young Huckabee as a participant was sent by fax machine this week by an organization against cruelty to animals to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. That report was described by Young and the governor as inaccurate.

Both men declined to say how the dog had been killed or who did it.

The dog was killed July 11 at Camp Pioneer near Hatfield. Only employees witnessed the incident. Not many of them were on hand, one source said.

Young said he chose not to reveal the names of the employees because “I just think that they’re due privacy. These are young people. They make mistakes occasionally, but I’m not covering for them.”

Young said the council’s board gives him the authority to take care of personnel decisions. He said the council believes it took appropriate action and the matter is closed. He said he did not report it to law enforcement authorities.

A source who asked to remain unnamed said David Huckabee, who turned 18 on July 22 and was 17 at the time of the incident, was one of those fired over it.

A reporter’s message left at the Governor’s Mansion for David Huckabee was not returned.

Danny Frady of Texarkana said his son, Clayton, 19, was the other staff member who was fired.

The elder Frady said his son told him he came upon one or more Scouts who had the dog “hung over a limb and choking” so the younger Frady helped “put it out of its misery.”

“I think the boy has paid his dues because he lost his job. He was one of the better counselors. He’s made a mistake, and he’s paid for it,” Danny Frady said. “I don’t think he did anything wrong to put an animal out of its misery.”

Danny Frady said killing a stray dog that has become a nuisance is common in rural areas. The mistake was doing it in front of other youth staff members, Frady said.

Young said the fired employees might be required to undergo counseling if they applied to be employees again. Danny Frady said he doesn’t think his son needs counseling because “he’s not cruel to animals.”

Polk County Sheriff Mike Oglesby said neither he nor his deputies had heard of the incident. A complaint should have been made, he said.

Prosecuting Attorney Tim Williamson of Mena said cruelty to animals is a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to a $ 1,000 fine and up to a year in jail. “We regularly charge cruelty to animals. That’s kind of my pet peeve,” he said.

Oglesby and Williamson said they didn’t intend to investigate because no one had lodged a complaint.

Camp Pioneer in Polk County served 2,026 campers for week-long stints from May 31 through July 25.

The camp employed 65 staff members. Caddo Area Council includes eight Arkansas counties and two Texas counties.

Why do Republicans hate God’s creations? They hate our children. They hate our country. They hate our troops. They’re lawless, they’re immoral and they’re corrupt. …and they’re in our way to a better world! And now I’m reading that they’ll kill stray dogs so their kids can be entertained?!

The Republicans have become like… “A plague” on the human race!!

Little OtisOur dog’s name is Little Otis, pictured here. He was born in the wild as a Hurrican Katrina survivor. He was found, along with his litter-sister, nursing from his mother who was laying dead along the road in southern Mississippi.

Lucky for Little Otis, he wasn’t found by a Republican sleaze-ball like David Huckabee.