The Republican Party: Are You A “Corporate Dupe”?!

Notice the difference in the stupidity that’s being presented here: Corporate shills stuffing puppets to boon-dogle insane imagry. The political play is adolescent, at best: “We hate government (unless we’re at war in Iraq or Afghanistan”!
“Ah, Duality; Sweet, sweet Duality”….

The bigger question is obvious: “Where will the GOP land?”

FruitFly 6Dead people in the streets without health care? …Or rich people pulling their eye-balls out with chop-sticks because they have to pay more in taxes?

The cartoon, as it stands, is an icon on the American future: Funding for war “freedom”, health care for Americans is “socialism”!

The Birthers: Racists Fanatics Who Can’t Grasp Reality

Birther Alert: Fruit Fly Was Also Born in Kenya

Did I tell you that I’m runnin’ for President now!!

fruitfly_birth certificateGet your own fake Kenya birth certificate here!  Then you’ll be able to have Orly Taitz challenge your citizenship just like Obama!

In Texas, They Raise ‘Em Dumber (Gov Perry Hates Texas!)

fructose_boostGovernor Rick Perry, such a Great American Tejas Patriot, caught more than too many times shouting out his distaste for the country and empty threats of succession. (Although, I”ve heard that he’s been getting booed lately.  Perhaps that’s the results of his Texas-Sized Education System.  Please, let me explain.

Governor Perry’s original pick for Chair of the Texas State Board of Education was originally Don McLeroy.  But the candidate was such a sleaze-bag, that the Texas Senate rejected him without further ado.

You are…The Weakest Link!  Goodbye!



So Governor Hate-America has decided to go one step farther down by submitting Cynthia Dunbar (R-Richmond) as his second choice for Chair. Dunbar currently serves as a member of the Texas Board of Education, and she’ll probably get promoted as the Chair.  What’s wrong with all of this?

She’s crazier than a monkey’s bag full of nuts.

In 2008, she claimed that within the first sixth months of the Obama Administration, will be a planned effort by those with whom Obama truly sympathizes to take down the America that is threat to tyranny. (Since it’s now July, I guess her “Prediction Machine” is truly broken.)  When her critics demanded an apology for the statement, she refused by saying; “I don’t have anything in there that would be retractable.”

But that isn’t what makes Ms. Dunbar so despicable.  Her venom comes from her (fake) education from Pat Robertson’s “Regent University of Law’.  Hint, this is the same “educational institution” that produced brain trusts like Monica Goodling who appeared before Congress as The Bush Administration “Most Lobotomized Witness”. Dunbar’s dispicability stems from her lethal venom to public education in Texas and in our country.

In her book, “One Nation Under God” (2008), she called the public education system “subtly deceptive tool of perversion” and “The establishment of public schools is unconstitutional and even ‘tyrannical. She says: “Because it (public education) threatens the authority of families, granted by God through Scripture, to direct the instruction of their children.”

Additionally, she believes “any person desiring to govern have a sincere knowledge and appreciation for the Word of God in order to rightly govern.”  In other words:  Before you can be elected into any public office; you need to be a Bible Scholar first!

But her book’s section on education goes way beyond the pale by claiming that allowing your children to attend the public education system is equivalent tothrowing them into the enemy’s flames even as the children of Israel threw their children to Moloch.

And this is Governor Rick Perry’s selection to be the Chair of the Texas Board of Education!

To answer your question: “Yes, she home-schools her kids.  That way, they’ll learn to hate American more than Mom does.”

Now, we all know how much Governor Perry hates America, be  we never knew how much he hates Texas!

Keep ’em stupid, Governor!  Keep your Texas kids as dumb as you can grow ’em!  Because that what makes you such a classy kinda guy!

Dead Confederate: RatThere needs to be an “intelligent” conversation, in Texas and everywhere else on the topic of child predators.  (I would suggest somewhere outside of Texas because, obviously…Well…It’s obvious!) If the State of Texas has laws on the books for swift and severe criminal action for people selling drugs on school campuses, or sex predators leering around school playgrounds, now is the time that we conclude that people like Cynthia Dunbar are just as dangerous to our children.

(It’s no coincidence that today’s music selection was brought to you by “The Dead Confederates” with their critically acclaimed smash hit: “The Rat” Click the Fruit Fly, Silly!)

Gay Republicans in Minnesota: Where can we send them?!

I don’t understand why politicians vote against their own personal best interests, let alone the best interests of the community as a whole.

But, that’s what we’ve got here in this situation and that’s why I have to write this post as another “Minnesota Republican Exposed”. It’s just sad.fruitfly21

Andy Birkey, over at the Minnesota Independent brings us this tiny blurb about Republican Senator Paul Koering, R-Fort Ripley (Minnesota). Senator Koering is openly gay, but votes homophobic! And I just don’t understand it…

Mr. Birkey writes in a piece titled Minnesota’s gay Republican will not vote for marriage equality bill:

State Sen. Paul Koering, R-Fort Ripley, told KLKS on Friday that he will not vote for the Marriage and Family Protection Act, a bill that would make Minnesota’s marriage laws gender-neutral, allowing same-sex couples many of the rights currently denied by Minnesota statute. Koering, who is gay and a Republican, said he would vote against it because the state faces bigger problems.

The last line is always the tell, isn’t it? Senator Koering is going to vote against this measure because the state has bigger problems.


Does that mean that Senator Koering is going to vote against, say… School lunch programs too?

The state does have bigger problems than a “School Lunch” issue. Feeding low-income school children is a serious problem for the Republican Party, is-it-not?

Senator Koering (R-MN) adds:

“I think some of the gay activists will be upset with me for this, but sometimes I think an agenda is pushed so far and so fast that people have no alternative but to push back,” Koering told Raw Story at the time. “And I think that sometimes you have to move slowly.

Please tell me – what agenda is being pushed so fast that requires Senator Koering to “push back”?

Would Senator Koering have voted against letting women vote for elected officials in this country? (That was a pretty fast moving agenda, afterall – wouldn’t you agree?!?)  …Your Mom, your Aunt.. ehem .. your sister..  <- They get to viote these days and now you have to reconcile their decisions..

And to think; “Minnesota Senator Paul Koering is gay!” He’s a Homosexual! <-  Brainerd and Ft Ripley folks hate him because he’s Gay and he’s proudly Inferior to the heterosexuals of his districts.  Senator Koering is patsy to the Conservative Christian Elite.

The Stonewall Riots took place forty years ago this coming June 2009.


fruitfly21Is that an agenda that’s a little too fast for his queasy stomach?! Better question asked; “How much slower should it go?

I don’t want to sound simplistic or sarcastic — but honestly: “Forty years isn’t enough?”

Would measured half-centuries be slow enough?

pink-triangle2It’s been over seventy years since gay men were thrown into concentration camps by the Nazis.

Whether Senator Koering believes it or not: There used to be a thriving liberal and progressive Germans in that day and gay and lesbian Germans were slowing gaining status within Germany high society crowds. In fact, the first modern Gay Rights Activist was Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1825-1895) who argued that homosexuality was as natural as being left-handed. Adolf Hitler put a stop to all of it and he gave the gay community the symbol we now wear with pride: The famous Pink Triangle, but hung upside down.

Was this an agenda that was … ehem – “Pushed too fast” for the Minnesota Senator?

I’ll ask again: “Was 70 years of political equality enough time for Senator Koering?”

I’m thinking the Senator shouldn’t even be seen around the pink triangle these days. It’s probably an “agenda” that’s just too fast for him and he should push back by just not being near any ping triangle symbols.

It was about 600 years ago when they accused and tied (alleged) witches up to a pyre, surround it in wood, pouring fueling oil over all of it, including the helpless “witches”. The priests and religous bigots would shout into the crowds: “GET THE FAGGOT! GET THE FAGGOT!” The crowds would scramble around and grab any guy they guessed who might be gay, lead him out of the crowed…Expected to be murdered. burn1

The priest and the religious bigots; conducted this monstrous and act would then order these “faggots” to be bound up with kindling wood. They doused their bodies in the same fueling oil and then light all of them on fire. Of course; the screaming and horrified “faggots” would eventually collapse and fall down — -and that’s when the crowds would kick their flaming bodies and roll all of them into the pyre and watch in a delighted horror as all of the fueling oil burst into a frenzied heat. The crowds had to step back because of the ferocious flames, while those on the pier and the poor (alleged) gay guys at the base were screaming in horror. The priests and the religious bigots would calmly lead the group in singing hymns and praises to the Lord.

Little children hid behind skirts while they listened to their mothers, their uncles and their aunts screaming in unbridled agony because their bodies were literally on fire.

The Church spent some paying for new techniques and methods of discovering more “witches”. Two Scottish men were given a decree and money from his Holiness, the Pope — to wander around throughout Europe to look for women who simply had a mole on their skin. They claimed the mole was where the “Devil had kissed them” while they fornicated with Him. All of the females, ages 12 and up, were told to stand in lines, naked from the waste up, and wait for these two Scottish “businessmen” conduct their “inspections” for moles. All of it was necessary, the the Christian Church, to keep their congregations obedient.

Of course, there was never a shortage of “faggots”.

But. Senator Koering of Fort Ripley here thinks this whole “gay agenda” is going a wee bit too fast for his taste. So, he’s going to “push back” because “the state as bigger problems to deal with these days”.

Say Senator! I have one finger that’s sticking straight up in the air – I’ll let you guess which one it is!

Gay Republicans. What’s the deal with them anyway? They’re like… “Jews for Jesus”, or “Black Klu Klux Klansman”… “Doctors for Self-Medication” or something.FruitFly 6

To learn more about how the Christian Church behaved during the Witchcraft Trials, read “Servants of Satan; the Age of the Witch Hunts” by Joseph Klaits, 1985. If the book will do anything; it’ll make you seriously consider the levels of cruelty that the Church will happily venture towards if given the power and the authority.

Republican GOP Pawlenty Stunt makes veto-proof DFL Senate

The WallNovember 27, 2007 – Governor Tim Pawlenty (R) appointed State Senator Tom Neuville (R-Northfield) to serve as a judge in the 3rd District (in Rice County). In exchange for a replacement, he declared a special election (Jan 3rd 2008) to fill the vacant seat. All expectations were that a Republican would win in a landslide. It was a logical expectation. The area is, afterall, in the heart of the Congressional 1st District.

In 2006, Republicans were convinced that some obscure high school wrestling football coach named Tim Walz being elected to Congress was freakishly weird and they were positive it would be impossible to ever happen again.

Put simply: This area is GOP property and they insist the DFL keep their dirty hands off.

Last July, Pawlenty appointed Representative Steve Sviggum (R-HD 28B) as Commissioner of Labor and Industry. Sviggum, from the same geographical, was his first pick and it was a gamble. But it was a gamble he was willing to play because it was in the heart of the Republican party: south and east of the Twin Cities. Needless to say, it was a safe (political) bet. And the bet paid off: Republican Steve Drazkowski defeated DFL candidate Linda Pfeilsticker 52.9 to 46.9.

Ron Carey, Minnesota’s GOP Chair, threaded his thumbs under the lapels of his suit coat after that win, belched twice and proudly:

…characterized Drazkowski’s win as signaling “growing Republican momentum as we head into 2008,” the GOP should be cautious to read too much into this race. District 28B has voted overwhelmingly for Republican candidates in recent years.

But Pawlenty’s second gambled proved Carey wrong.

Pawlenty didn’t expect anybody would want to go out and vote in the dead of winter, especially with the distractions of the Iowa Caucuses going on. So the Governor arbitrarily decided January 3rd as a special election day just for those in the 3rd District. The stakes of second gamble was bigger than the first, and nobody, including Ron Carey, paid any attention.

Ray CoxOn November 27th, word was official that Ray Cox would run in the race to replace Neuville. Mary Lahammer of the MN Public Television’s Almanac excitedly explained that Cox was the favored son to win. On November 27th, Lahammer gushed over Cox like a cheerleader over the quarterback:

I think you’re hearing it here first, former State Representative Ray Cox just told me, “yes, I do plan to run” for the seat Sen. Tom Neuville is expected to vacate today. Cox told me he had coffee this morning with Sen. Neuville and he encouraged Cox to attend Gov. Pawlenty’s announcement at 1:00 in Faribault where the governor will appoint a new judge to the Rice County bench.

The only group that worried about a special election in the dead of winter was the League of Women Voters who sent a letter to all of the newspapers in the district saying:

To the Editor:

To fill the District 25 state senate seat vacated by Sen. Tom Neuville, whom Governor Pawlenty appointed to a judgeship, the governor has called a special election on January 3rd and a primary election on December 18th.

The League of Women Voters believes that eligible voters have the right to be informed about candidates’ positions, the right to vote, and the right to have their vote counted. Scheduling an election immediately after a major holiday season protects none of these rights for many voters.

There is a real possibility that it may be difficult if not impossible for significant numbers of absentee voters to obtain and return absentee ballots by mail in time for them to be counted.

Still, nobody’s paying any attention. It’s a perfect set-up. Pawlenty, Ron Carey…They’re all very… very comfortable with the “Electoral hood-wink of 2008.”

Exactly one month later, December 27, Mpls Star Tribune endorsed Cox and complained that while Dahle was a good man, he simply lacked any experience as a politician. Ray Cox, the Trib claimed, although a Republican, was a moderate in his politics. They cited his stand on environmental issues among other things. (Thanks to Northfield blogger site Locally Grown.)

The entire GOP was happy. No need to call the Minneapolis Star-Tribune a “liberal media outlet” this time. True to the demands of the Star-Trib’s corporate heads of boards and cheating editorial chief; the Strib did it’s job in supporting the GOP. And so the party went back to their Holiday Spirits and roasted their nuts by warm fire light.MomMorph

Pretty arrogant of the GOP, don’t you think? They have an election going on, called by their own party, and they don’t do jack-squat about it. They’d even get the state’s largest newspaper to endorse their guy and they don’t give a whit! They’d rather stay home and count how many knuckles they can stuff up their nose on one finger.

Yesterday..:January 3rd: The good citizens of the 25th district went out, stomped through the cold and voted en mass for DFL candidate Kevin Dahle, sans GOP electoral efforts.

Minnesota Secretary of State’s reports that Kevin Dahle won in an easy landslide:

  • Independant Vance Norgaard 296 votes 2.40%
  • Republican Ray Cox 5225 votes 42.37%
  • DFL Kevin Dahle 6802 votes 55.15%
  • Write-In 10 votes 0.08%

The Minnesota GOP has since, become unglued:Brodkorb with Al Franken

Michael B. Brodcorb of Minnesota Democrats Exposed, went stumping for votes by going door to door on Wednesday (1/2/8). But the following day, the day of the election, he decided to sit at home and bitch in his blog that Minnesota’s Secretary of State Mark Ritchie (DFL) buried the news that there was a special election.

(Yes Mr. Brodcorb… Since the GOP didn’t do their job in notifying their constituents that there was such an election, it’s time to once again bitch at the DFL Secretary of State for not doing a good enough job to you satisfaction. …Because everybody knows that each and every GOP voter checks the S.O.S.’s website daily for updated information on issues such as elections, and …”licensing fees”. We all agree: “You’ve been horribly wronged, and we sympathize.”)

What an embarrassing Bawl Baby.

Meanwhile, Drew Emmer of Wright County Republican, complained bitterly about the loss. For Emmer, it wasn’t DFL Mark Ritchie’s fault at all. No, it was the fault of Al Franken and Rep Tim Walz (DFL MN CD-1) who stumped hard through the cold and the snow for voters to turn out for Kevin Dahle. Blame that damned Al Franken and that freaky football coach for the GOP’s woes. In fact, Emmer’s entire blog entry reaks of a third grader who’s just had his juice-box stolen:

Local politics is finite math. The DFL found victory in coy manipulation of same-day registration and what is reported as a higher than expected student turnout in Northfield proper. There was no credible rallying alarm for the conservative base to respond to. That was largely because many in the conservative base felt somewhat excluded by the process whereby Neuville anointed Cox without the benefit of a grassroots vetting of the GOP endorsement.

To be honest, Emmer’s gripe is valid. The GOP arrogantly assumed it was an easy win for Cox from the beginning. (Considering the district is historically “moderately” conservative.) Pawlenty made the appointment because everybody was on the hay-wagon for this sleazy deal from the beginning, right?!

No. Brodkorb was pissed off. Fingers still frostbitten from Tuesdays doorbell smashing, he unleashed a butt-load of whoop-ass on his GOP com padres:

Drew, I consider you a friend and I tip my hat to you. You did nothing to help out with the SD 25 special election, yet by quickly pointing out this morning how everyone else stumbled, you win the first-ever Minnesota Democrats Exposed Man Not In The Arena Award.

Drew’s prize is the opportunity to come on tomorrow’s radio show and tell the listeners of NARN “The Final Word” how we all could have done a better job. The number is (651) 289-4488 and I look forward to Drew’s collecting his prize anytime after 3:45 p.m. Congrats Drew!

It’s more fun than watching midget-wrestling, don’t you think?!

Bush Evil The knee-jerk is to lash out and throw fiery barbs at your friends by giving them “Dunce Awards” hoping that, when Der Fuher shows up at the Xcel Energy Center this fall, he’ll decide who’s to blame for this disaster. (Hopefully he’ll blame Emmer!! Oh please! Oh please! Let it be Emmer!!)

Brokorb isn’t finished either. Mitch Berg, of “Shot in the Dark” also was pissed off at the loss, and blogged about it. Brodkorb offered a stupid “Runner-Up Dunce Cap” award:

My NARN colleague (and friend) Mitch Berg wins “honorable mention” by regurgitating Drew’s post and adding his own “analysis” on why the Republican effort came up short in SD 25. I’ll will be asking Mitch to stay in the studio tomorrow (NARN II ends right before NARN III begins) to claim his “honorable mention” award. Congrats Mitch!

The Minnesota DFL has check-mated the Republican governor.

Pawlenty’s lost the Minnesota Senate to the DFL with a veto-proof majority and in 2006, he lost all of the State’s elected Officers to the DFL. We’re down to 1 Republican US Senator in Norm Coleman (Lame Flip-Flopper), Michele (Jesus) Bachmann in the 6th (Wack-Job), John Kline in the 2nd CD (Iraqi War whore) and the GOP’s only respected elected official, Jim Ramstad (R-Stepping Down Maybe) in the third.

The biggest applause belongs to Kevin Dahle and his wife Beth. “Welcome to the DFL and to political ground-swell movement of Change Senator Dahle! We’re weird, we’re nutty, and occasionally we’re bitFruitFly 6 kookie. But we’re always pleased that you’re there to represent us.”

My humble thanks to Zack over at MNPublius, who deserves all of the credit for all of the information on this subject. If I didn’t have my “Zack” over at MN Publius, nothing in this blog entry would make any sense at all.