John Ensign’s Parents Turned his Mistress into a Whore?!

They’re all so filthy these days, I’m havin’ trouble keepin’ up! So, Ensign is having this affair, and his parents, out of fear of soiling the family name, starts paying her to fuck him?

Paul Coggins, Ensign’s attorney, said in a statement that the senator gave Doug Hampton, Cindy Hampton and their two children gifts worth $96,000 and that “each gift was limited to $12,000.”

“The payments were made as gifts, accepted as gifts and complied with tax rules governing gifts,” Coggins said.

Coggins said that after Ensign told his parents about his affair with Cindy Hampton — who was an then a campaign aide — the senator’s parents “decided to make the gifts out of concern for the well-being of longtime family friends during a difficult time.

What “Difficult Time” would that be? She’s banging their son for money and that’s a “difficult time”?!

What am I missing here?  Wasn’t Senator John Ensign supposed to be way high-up the food-chain for that pseudo-gay Christian “Promise Keepers” group? And yet, this is his THIRD AFFAIR!

I don’t understand it!

Pray to Jesus – “Please make me faithful to my wife!”

Find a woman to bang.

Pray to Jesus again – “Please make me faithful to my wife!”

Find another woman to bang.

Pray to Jesus again – “Please make me faithful to my wife!”

Find another woman to bang.

Get Parents to fork over $100,000 to keep her shut up.

Pray to Jesus again – “Please keep her shut up!”

What’s the point of belonging to Promise Keepers if you have absolutely no intention of being faithful to your wife anyway?!

And what has to happen for that wife of his to simply kick his nasty tired diseases-infected dick out of their bedroom? His wife is carrying the cooters of half the wait-staff at Hooters!

He’s had three affairs that he’s admitted to the public. He hasn’t told us about banging the entire cheerleading sqauds for eight NFL teams! Are you kidding me?

vomitAnd his ‘Rents pay her off to shut her mouth and “go professional”.

These Republicans complain about GLBT families! And they’re fucking faster than the colony of rabbits in my backyard!

And it’s illegal for people like me to get married. They’ve got laws on the books like DOMA to make sure that doesn’t happen. But for Republicans with chronic zipper-malfunctions – well, that’s just quite all right!

An Intersection in Irony: Obama’s DOMA and Loving v. Virginia

fructose_boostOnly smart people like John Aravosis from AmericaBlog can make a connection like this one:  President Obama’s DOJ letter addressed to the United States Supreme Court that supports DOMA and compares same-sex unions to the likes of incest (uncle marries niece or cousin marries another cousin) was filed on the exact same day as Loving v. Virginia; the case brought to the US Supreme Court on interracial marriage.

June 12, 1967:

Today is the 42nd anniversary of Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court case overturning Virginia’s ban on inter-racial marriages. The Obama people, working for the product of an inter-racial marriage, sure have an eye for irony.

Weird how that works, huh?  Forty years ago, the US Supreme Court ruled against the state trying to interfere with an interracial couple from marrying.  And now, we have an interracial president supporting heterosexual marriage by comparing same-sex relationships to incest in front of the very same US Supreme Court!

From Wockner, Aravosis said:

“A Democratic president of the United States of America, in the year 2009, and an African-American child of inter-racial parents no less, gave his lawyers the go ahead to compare our marriages to incest on the same day that 42 years ago the Supreme Court ruled in his parents’ favor in Loving v. Virginia. … We demand our rights, and we expect this president, who promised them in exchange for millions of our votes and millions of our donations, to deliver. And so help me God, we will continue to hold this president accountable for his broken promises and his betrayals.”

Openly gay writer Dan Savage notes:

“If this shit is ‘fierce advocacy,’ Mr. President, we’ll take benign neglect.”

Jesus– I need a quaalude and Alanis Morrisette’s “Isn’t it Ironic?”  Is she still alive? I thought she O/D’d on Meth or something…  Can you croak on too many quaaludes? Jesus.. I neeed a quaalude…  I never thought a President would think gay relationships equate to incest. A Democrat no less!  Jesus..I need a quaalude.    If someone can’t give me a quaalude – can anybody give me an umbrella drink?!?!

State Dept: Gay Couples Can Use Their “Married Names” on Their Passports

At least Hillary Clinton is in there doin’ her part. From the Associated Press:

Gay couples traveling overseas can now show passports that feature their married names, letting them take advantage of a little-noticed revision to State Department regulations that critics had feared would undermine the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

The notice of the change says that it does not mean the State Department is recognizing the validity of same-sex marriages and civil unions, but that it was to comply with an amendment to the Code of Federal Regulations that took effect in February 2008.

The name-change revision took effect May 27 in an addition to the State Department’s Foreign Affairs Manual. It allows same-sex couples to obtain passports under the names recognized by their state through their marriages or civil unions.

Bring in the haters!

Still, groups opposed to gay marriage criticized the name-change provision, saying it erodes the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which prohibits federal recognition of any same-sex partnerships.

“It’s an exercise that the current administration is using to try to nibble away at the Defense of Marriage Act,” said Kris Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute.

“There’s no doubt that President Obama has made a strong commitment to repeal the DOMA … and it will take an act of Congress to do so,” Mineau said. “He cannot circumvent the law, but he attempts to do so not head-on, but in an oblique approach.”

We’re getting our equal rights one breadcrumb at a time.

More on the Gay v Obama Drama

This time, Campbell Brown (R-CNN) throws Dan Savage up against Stampp Corbin (co-chair of the Obama LGBT Leadership Council during the 2008 campaign). I’m guessing Brown wanted these two to start beating each other up with make-up kits and feathered boas or some dumb shit.

h/t Pam Spaulding, who viewed this piece as a black and white thing. Although I understood her point – I disagreed with her.

Shutting Down the DNC’s gAyTM

Closed gAyTM

Closed gAyTM

The current meltdown in Iran is giving cover to the massive shutdown of the DNC’s gAyTM.

Next week’s GLBT DNC fundraiser is in shambles: Barney Frank (D-MA) and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) are the handful of openly gay Congresscritters who are obvious attendees.

The DNC itself is spinning the expected mega-disaster GLBT protests as a sort of “game” or part of the already scheduled entertainment for the evening.  Keeping in mind that the GLBT community is furious with the DNC; Andrew Tobias, the national DNC’s treasurer who is openly gay, spits out an E-mail blast that includes the expected GLBT protests as a sham by pretending to be part of the entertainment:

From: “Andrew Tobias”
To: “‘Andrew Tobias'”
Cc: “‘Tom Petrillo'”
Subject: quick one – for New Yorkers
Date: Sat, 20 Jun 2009

Ah, the opportunities:

Meet our great Jared Polis tomorrow from 7pm to 9pm, along with his Congressional baseball buddy from NY s 25th district, Congressman Dan Maffei. Hope to see you there (150 Central Park South #2104). Click here to contribute ($250 / $100 young professional) and RSVP to

Whether you come with a sign . . . (STOP FIRING ARAB TRANSLATORS!) (CIVIL MARRIAGE = CIVIL RIGHT!) (EQUALITY NOW!) . . . or come to help fund the tools we need to help move the President s agenda, which includes +our+ agenda . . . board the Acela and come to dinner with the Vice President of the United States. Click here. (Or here if you can t come but want to chip in.) Or how s THIS for a strategy? Contribute — but stand outside with a sign! We ll keep a plate warm for you and buy you a drink afterward, when the cameras are gone. We are, after all, all on the same team.

A +very+ small lunch in the Pines with New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. Email me.

WATER VOLLEYBALL WITH THE CHAIRMAN OF THE HOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE, Barney Frank. Click here. (You can just watch and drink if you don t want to play.)

Enjoy the summer — and enjoy the progress. We re winning.


Thanks for the “Freeway-Finger Flip-Off”, Andy!  Back at you, Buddy!

The problem: Few people are going to be attending.  It’s an embarrassment for the Presidency who campaigned for two years of broken promises and the Vice President expected to be the keynote.

GBLT bloggers everywhere are yelling the message loud and clear: Stop the money, and stop the support for the DNC.

The Obama Administration offered breadcrumbs to the Gay Community by offering same-sex benefits for federal employees via a “presidential memorandum“.  (Really?  The gays get a freaking “memo”?  Is that all the Gay Community means to this President?    …A freaking “memo”?)

The “memo” has three problems that are patently obvious:

  1. The program that offers these benefits to those GLBT federal employees expire at the end of Obama’s four year presidency. Who smells a GOP-sponsored “Puppet Presidency”?!
  2. If 2% of the US population are federal employees, the program Obama has offered applies to only 3% of those employees.  Federal employees in the DOJ, US Military and the Pentagon are excluded in that same memo because it would require legislation from Congress.  Yet, there are no plans for Congress to look into the matter…nor are there any discussions that have begun.
  3. There’s no definition of what those “benefits” will be. Health care? Continuing Education benefits? Shared retirement accounts? There’s nothing defined and the White House isn’t willing to discuss those details.   My personal opinon: The benefits being offered are just as pathetic and Obama’s apathy towards Daniel Choi’s train-wrecked military career.

The offer was an intelligent-distraction for the Gay Community from Obama’s blatant apathy towards the stack of promises made to us on his campaign trail.

Again; from the NY Times:

President Obama and his advisers have been reluctant to wade deeply into divisive issues like overturning a ban on openly gay military members or extending benefits to partners of government employees, fearful that such moves could overtake the administration’s broader agenda.

With the administration’s decision to stop short of extending full health insurance benefits or calling for legislation to do so, it remained an open question how significant the presidential announcement would be, Mr. [Clinton advisor on GLBT issues Richard] Socarides said.But administration officials said the timing of the announcement was intended to help contain the growing furor among gay rights groups. Several gay donors withdrew their sponsorship of a Democratic National Committee fund-raising event next week, where Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. is scheduled to speak.

Personnally; I don’t think Obama’s “Gee-Whiz Memo” helped.

A brief review on what brought up this DNC Gay boycott – now in full-swing:

  • In California, two federal appeals court judges said that employees of their court were entitled to health benefits for their same-sex partners under the program that insures millions of federal workers. But the federal Office of Personnel Management has instructed insurers not to provide the benefits ordered by the judges, citing a 1996 law, the Defense of Marriage Act.  In other words, DOMA is being used by the Federal Courts as nothing more than a patsy.   It’s convenient for the Federal Government to discriminate against the gays for financial goals – as long as DOMA sits on the books.
  • The Obama Administration’s Department of Justice, in response to those California cases that are now sitting in front of the United States Supreme Court, fired off a “memo” supporting DOMA at the expense of the Gay Community. For example:
  • The brief insists it is reasonable for states to favor heterosexual marriages because they are the “traditional and universally recognized form of marriage.” In arguing that other states do not have to recognize same-sex marriages under the Constitution’s “full faith and credit” clause, the Justice Department cites —>>decades-old cases<<— ruling that states do not have to recognize marriages between cousins or an “uncle and a niece“.

    Comparing Gay and Lesbian Relationships to marriage between cousins or an uncle and a niece pisses me off to no end. Is the President of the United States that shallow?  Did the United States of America elect a bunch of dumb-witted pedestrians that are so pathetic that they would paint the entire GLBT community as a bunch of hicks?

    Does the Obama Administration expect to hear “Dueling Banjos” playing in the background when they come around our house while we’re in the backyard mowing the lawn and pruning our tomato plants and weeding our radishes?  …Expecting Bubba in the front yard playing hoola-hoop with a tractor-tire?  Does the Obama Administration think a gay and lesbian household’s outdoor activities include “toilet-seat horseshoes”?

    Why is the Obama Administration allowed to stereotype our Gay and Lesbian relationships and not get called out on it.  I thought Obama had moved past the idea of stereotyping “The Fags”.  Wasn’t that the true mesage behind all of that “Change” bullshit?

    Obviously, I was wrong.  If I was going to be just as pedestrian as the President on stereotypes, should I begin with regular meals at the White House served black-eyed peas and chitterlings?  What a disgusting thing to say in front of the United States Supreme Court – that my relationship with my life partner is equivalent to a uncle marrying a niece.

  • Daniel Choi, 1st Lieutenant,  US Army, an Arabic-translator and West Point graduate went on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC television show and “Came Out”. Subsequently, he was dishonorably discharged for it and the Obama White House ignored the issue as badly has he ignored  Jena-Six last year.when he was on the campaign trail.

Robert Gibbs, on the subject of 1st Lt Daniel Choi on the subject of DADT:

Obama appears to have an agenda that serves him first – and everybody else second (if it’s convenient for him).

Let’s talk about the Human Rights Campaign, because they have put themselves in an integral part of this debacle.

HRC bailed on next week’s GLBT Fundraiser for the DNC.   Shortly after Obama’s “mega-memo” submitte dto the US Supreme Court, Joe Solmonese, HRC’s Chair, has scuttled Obama’s gloss over over the whole issue with a scathing letter that mainstream media decided to consider last week.  Citing Obama’s DOJ “memo”, Solmonese squares off with:

Because all 50 States recognize hetero-sexual marriage, it was reasonable and rational for Congress to maintain its longstanding policy of fostering this traditional and universally-recognized form of marriage.

Solmonese responds to the statement:

The government does not state why denying us basic protections promotes anyone else’s marriage, nor why, while our heterosexual neighbors’ marriages should be promoted, our own must be discouraged.  In other words, the brief does not even attempt to explain how DOMA is related to any interest, but rather accepts that it is constitutional to attempt to legislate our families out of existence.

Now I’m going to hold Solmonese responsible for this debacle because he was involved in the first place.  Nobody is finger-pointing at Solmonese as being part of this disaster, except for me.  Solmonese is a sell-out.  Period.

Solmonese ran for cover when it was revealed that he met with the President and decided to kick issues like DOMA and DADT down the political road sometime in mid-November.  Nothing coming out of Joe Solmonese should be taken as truthful in my view.  He got caught playing games, Obama agreed and went along with those games and Solmonese has made himself into a patsy. Barney Frank admited in April that DADT wasn’t expected to be discussed until 2010 at the end of those meetings between Solmonese and Obama.

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said Thursday that Democratic leaders won’t push to repeal the controversial “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy governing gay service in the military until 2010. “I believe we should and will do ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ next year,” said Frank, a co-chairman of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Equality Caucus. “We haven’t done the preliminary work, the preparatory work. It would be a mistake to bring it up without a lot of lobbying and a lot of conversation.”

Tammy Baldwin (R-WI) chimed in as Congresswoman Milquetoast:

“We don’t even know the votes in committee, let alone the votes on the floor. … So I think the prediction it will not happen in calendar year 2009 is probably accurate,” said Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), who is also openly gay and a co-chairwoman of the LGBT Caucus.

Solmonese ignored these statesments because he was in on the take to kick the “gay agenda” down the political calendar.  The “Lt Dan Choi” story has been going on for two months now and HRC has done little to nothing about it.  In fact, it was Senator Chuck Shumer (D-NY) who told a leaders within the GLBT community that HRC  had recommended not prioritizing DADT in exchange for other legislative issues they had looked forward to.  (Joe Solmonese denies the allegation, of course.)

If Joe Solmonese is ignoring these comments coming from the two Co-Chairs of the  House Equality Caucus, ignore 1st Lt Dan Choi who’s career is getting trainwrecked, but suddenly wakes up once Obama’s DOJ memo hits the steps of the United States Supreme Court, then Joe Solmonese needs to step down from his position for sleeping at the wheel. He can deny Senator Shumer all he wants – but actions (and inactions) speak much louder than words.

Democrats hold a majority in the United States House, a very skinny filibuster-proof majority in the United States Senate, and they own the United States White House.   And here’s  our GLBT Congresscritters chewin’ their fingernails over whether or not they can get a vote out of committee – let alone out of the United States House of Representatives.

With polls showing 70% in favor of killing DADT and New York Congressman John McHugh (R) who now serves as Obama’s nominee as Secretary of the Army agrees that DADT is uesless.  McHugh said to the RollCall just two weeks ago:

“I have no interest as either a Member of Congress or as … secretary of the Army to exclude by some categorization a group of people otherwise qualified to serve.”

The Democrats in Congress and the White House needs to pony up their debt to the GLBT as we have faithfully and financially ponied up to them for the last 40 years.   And, sorry – abut a “memo” just doesn’t cut it.MGMT: Kids

My wallet to the DNC and the DFL is closed.  Next Sunday, the average fair of Democrats are going to be marching down Hennipen Avenue in the 40th Anniversary of Gay Pride – I will not be cheering for any of them.

Happy Gay Pride, America!

Obama: Same-Sex Cop-Out

From John Aravosis’ AmericaBlog:

Dept of Justice Plans Meeting with “The Gays” Next Week

DOJ2After Obama’s Dept of Justice just fired off a letter to the United States Supreme Court trashing gay and lesbian couples over the issue of DOMA, (PDF!) after the Big Gay Fundraiser that the Vice President was intended to preside has all but collapsed.  Now with the call that the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Community get a “divorce” from the Democratic Party – Now… the DOJ wants to meet with us.  Now….there’s a problem and they’ve realized it.

One example in that letter:

…a new and nonsensical argument the administration has advanced suggesting that the federal government needs to be “neutral” with regard to its treatment of married same-sex couples in order to ensure that federal tax money collected from across the country not be used to assist same-sex couples duly married by their home states. There is nothing “neutral” about the federal government’s discriminatory denial of fair treatment to married same-sex couples: DOMA wrongly bars the federal government from providing any of the over one thousand federal protections to the many thousands of couples who marry in six states. This notion of “neutrality” ignores the fact that while married same-sex couples pay their full share of income and social security taxes, they are prevented by DOMA from receiving the corresponding same benefits that married heterosexual taxpayers receive.

The Gay Community is rightly pissed off.  Andrew Sullivan writes in a piece called “Cut Off The DNC’s Money“:

One way to get the Obama administration’s attention on civil rights is for gay people to stop funding the Democrats. That’s all these people care about anyway when it comes to gays: our money. If the Democrats refuse to support us, refuse to support them…No cheering him at events while he does nothing to follow up on his explicit promises.

And he’s right.  The GLBT Community has been nothing more than an ATM machine for the Democratic Party for decades.  It’s time it stops.  The Dems want Gay Money – The Dems better find a way to do something for the Gays.

From Greg Sargent via Joe.My.God.

The Obama Justice Department has reached out to major gay rights organizations and scheduled a private meeting for next week with the groups, in an apparent effort to smooth over tensions in the wake of the controversy over the administration’s defense in court of the Defense of Marriage Act. Tracy Russo, a spokesperson for Justice, confirmed the meeting to me, after I posted below that top gay rights lawyers were miffed that administration lawyers had rebuffed their requests to meet and discuss ongoing litigation involving DOMA. At the meeting — which hasn’t been announced and is expected to include leading gay rights groups like GLAD and Lambda Legal — both sides are expected to hash out how to proceed with pending DOMA cases.

fruitfly21Let ’em keep reaching.  Next week will mark the 40th Anniversary of Gay Pride when the gay community fought back against the New York Police Department for being treated like third and fourth class citizens.  Let the Democrats get a taste of rejection like we’ve felt for decades now.  When the Democrats realize that the Big Gay ATM machine just got unplugged for a couple of years…They’ll be giving the GLBT Community rebate checks on all of those extra-taxes we’ve been paying that heterosexual couples didn’t have to pay.

Initially, the DOJ decide to ignore the GLBT and refused to meet with them.  Within hours, literally – there was a tenative meeting established between the DOJ, Lambda Legal and GLAD.  Now, before I even get to finish writing this post; House Equality Caucus Vice Chair Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) publishes this piece about the Obama/DOMA Letter:

There is good and bad news but nothing that can’t or won’t be overcome in time.
The bad news — The Justice Department filed a brief supporting DOMA.  I read it.  First of all, it wasn’t necessary to file a brief at all, especially one that asked for the entire lawsuit to be dismissed.  Very disappointing.  I was unaware that it was coming, as were all of the House members.
The good news – Just this week, the President, in unequivocal terms, called for the repeal of DOMA.  He said, “Among the steps we have not yet taken is to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act.  I believe it’s discriminatory, I think it interferes with states’ rights, and we will work with Congress to overturn it.” Rep.  Jerry Nadler, who sits on the Judiciary Committee, is working on a DOMA repeal bill that he plans to introduce after the July 4th recess.  I’ll be on it.


There is good and bad news but nothing that can’t or won’t be overcome in time.

The bad news — The Justice Department filed a brief supporting DOMA.  I read it.  First of all, it wasn’t necessary to file a brief at all, especially one that asked for the entire lawsuit to be dismissed.  Very disappointing.  I was unaware that it was coming, as were all of the House members.

The good news – Just this week, the President, in unequivocal terms, called for the repeal of DOMA.  He said, “Among the steps we have not yet taken is to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act.  I believe it’s discriminatory, I think it interferes with states’ rights, and we will work with Congress to overturn it.” Rep.  Jerry Nadler, who sits on the Judiciary Committee, is working on a DOMA repeal bill that he plans to introduce after the July 4th recess.  I’ll be on it.

FruitFly 6Hrmm… When the gays grab their purses and begin beating up the Obama Administration over discrimination and promises made on that stellar campaign trail of his, things start happening mighty quickly, don’t they?!  Pam Spaulding has Schakowsky’s entire letter available.

Obama’s Plan for Gay Rights


(Of course; he’s gonna give same-sex benefits for Federal Employees tomorrow… So, we should all be thankful for our Daily Breadcrumbs!)
I sure hope Obama’s Presidential hand-soap will be able to wash the gay-stench from his Heterosexual Hands!