Secret Young Republicans training compound located!!

First photos are emerging from behind the enemy lines, where their nefarious indoctrination techniques corrupt the innocent minds of America’s youth and prepare them for a life committed to espousing Republican ideology that runs counter to their own self interests!

We all owe a debt of gratitude to the Democratic operatives that have risked their lives to bring us this first haunting photo:

Elephant Slide

Here we can obviously see a seemingly innocent piece of playground equipment that has been twisted by the right-wing propaganda masters into some sort of sick political metaphor…

Undercover operatives for the Democratic Party have told us that Republican parents force their unwilling children up the molded plastic stairs into the GOP’s “Indoctrination Machine.” These children remain inside for up to 48 hours until they are fully processed. The children, once they are completely transformed into a smelly mass of waste material, will eventually tumble down the chute behind the Indoctrination Machine fully prepared to carry-on the Neocon Agenda.

Said one Republican mother after her child was expelled from the Indoctrination Machine: “Oh, he’s still the little stinker he always was….” where she snickered and waddled away.FruitFly

UNICEF, Save the Children and Sally Struthers have begun nationwide media campaigns to save these poor little children before they’ve become indoctrinated into the little GOP shit’s that’s expected of each and every one of them. So please: If you can give anything, please give to Sally Struther’s Christian Children’s Fund. Because Jesus, and only Jesus could love these little Turds.

I found it on Bartcop Nation… So it must be true!

Republican GOP Pawlenty Stunt makes veto-proof DFL Senate

The WallNovember 27, 2007 – Governor Tim Pawlenty (R) appointed State Senator Tom Neuville (R-Northfield) to serve as a judge in the 3rd District (in Rice County). In exchange for a replacement, he declared a special election (Jan 3rd 2008) to fill the vacant seat. All expectations were that a Republican would win in a landslide. It was a logical expectation. The area is, afterall, in the heart of the Congressional 1st District.

In 2006, Republicans were convinced that some obscure high school wrestling football coach named Tim Walz being elected to Congress was freakishly weird and they were positive it would be impossible to ever happen again.

Put simply: This area is GOP property and they insist the DFL keep their dirty hands off.

Last July, Pawlenty appointed Representative Steve Sviggum (R-HD 28B) as Commissioner of Labor and Industry. Sviggum, from the same geographical, was his first pick and it was a gamble. But it was a gamble he was willing to play because it was in the heart of the Republican party: south and east of the Twin Cities. Needless to say, it was a safe (political) bet. And the bet paid off: Republican Steve Drazkowski defeated DFL candidate Linda Pfeilsticker 52.9 to 46.9.

Ron Carey, Minnesota’s GOP Chair, threaded his thumbs under the lapels of his suit coat after that win, belched twice and proudly:

…characterized Drazkowski’s win as signaling “growing Republican momentum as we head into 2008,” the GOP should be cautious to read too much into this race. District 28B has voted overwhelmingly for Republican candidates in recent years.

But Pawlenty’s second gambled proved Carey wrong.

Pawlenty didn’t expect anybody would want to go out and vote in the dead of winter, especially with the distractions of the Iowa Caucuses going on. So the Governor arbitrarily decided January 3rd as a special election day just for those in the 3rd District. The stakes of second gamble was bigger than the first, and nobody, including Ron Carey, paid any attention.

Ray CoxOn November 27th, word was official that Ray Cox would run in the race to replace Neuville. Mary Lahammer of the MN Public Television’s Almanac excitedly explained that Cox was the favored son to win. On November 27th, Lahammer gushed over Cox like a cheerleader over the quarterback:

I think you’re hearing it here first, former State Representative Ray Cox just told me, “yes, I do plan to run” for the seat Sen. Tom Neuville is expected to vacate today. Cox told me he had coffee this morning with Sen. Neuville and he encouraged Cox to attend Gov. Pawlenty’s announcement at 1:00 in Faribault where the governor will appoint a new judge to the Rice County bench.

The only group that worried about a special election in the dead of winter was the League of Women Voters who sent a letter to all of the newspapers in the district saying:

To the Editor:

To fill the District 25 state senate seat vacated by Sen. Tom Neuville, whom Governor Pawlenty appointed to a judgeship, the governor has called a special election on January 3rd and a primary election on December 18th.

The League of Women Voters believes that eligible voters have the right to be informed about candidates’ positions, the right to vote, and the right to have their vote counted. Scheduling an election immediately after a major holiday season protects none of these rights for many voters.

There is a real possibility that it may be difficult if not impossible for significant numbers of absentee voters to obtain and return absentee ballots by mail in time for them to be counted.

Still, nobody’s paying any attention. It’s a perfect set-up. Pawlenty, Ron Carey…They’re all very… very comfortable with the “Electoral hood-wink of 2008.”

Exactly one month later, December 27, Mpls Star Tribune endorsed Cox and complained that while Dahle was a good man, he simply lacked any experience as a politician. Ray Cox, the Trib claimed, although a Republican, was a moderate in his politics. They cited his stand on environmental issues among other things. (Thanks to Northfield blogger site Locally Grown.)

The entire GOP was happy. No need to call the Minneapolis Star-Tribune a “liberal media outlet” this time. True to the demands of the Star-Trib’s corporate heads of boards and cheating editorial chief; the Strib did it’s job in supporting the GOP. And so the party went back to their Holiday Spirits and roasted their nuts by warm fire light.MomMorph

Pretty arrogant of the GOP, don’t you think? They have an election going on, called by their own party, and they don’t do jack-squat about it. They’d even get the state’s largest newspaper to endorse their guy and they don’t give a whit! They’d rather stay home and count how many knuckles they can stuff up their nose on one finger.

Yesterday..:January 3rd: The good citizens of the 25th district went out, stomped through the cold and voted en mass for DFL candidate Kevin Dahle, sans GOP electoral efforts.

Minnesota Secretary of State’s reports that Kevin Dahle won in an easy landslide:

  • Independant Vance Norgaard 296 votes 2.40%
  • Republican Ray Cox 5225 votes 42.37%
  • DFL Kevin Dahle 6802 votes 55.15%
  • Write-In 10 votes 0.08%

The Minnesota GOP has since, become unglued:Brodkorb with Al Franken

Michael B. Brodcorb of Minnesota Democrats Exposed, went stumping for votes by going door to door on Wednesday (1/2/8). But the following day, the day of the election, he decided to sit at home and bitch in his blog that Minnesota’s Secretary of State Mark Ritchie (DFL) buried the news that there was a special election.

(Yes Mr. Brodcorb… Since the GOP didn’t do their job in notifying their constituents that there was such an election, it’s time to once again bitch at the DFL Secretary of State for not doing a good enough job to you satisfaction. …Because everybody knows that each and every GOP voter checks the S.O.S.’s website daily for updated information on issues such as elections, and …”licensing fees”. We all agree: “You’ve been horribly wronged, and we sympathize.”)

What an embarrassing Bawl Baby.

Meanwhile, Drew Emmer of Wright County Republican, complained bitterly about the loss. For Emmer, it wasn’t DFL Mark Ritchie’s fault at all. No, it was the fault of Al Franken and Rep Tim Walz (DFL MN CD-1) who stumped hard through the cold and the snow for voters to turn out for Kevin Dahle. Blame that damned Al Franken and that freaky football coach for the GOP’s woes. In fact, Emmer’s entire blog entry reaks of a third grader who’s just had his juice-box stolen:

Local politics is finite math. The DFL found victory in coy manipulation of same-day registration and what is reported as a higher than expected student turnout in Northfield proper. There was no credible rallying alarm for the conservative base to respond to. That was largely because many in the conservative base felt somewhat excluded by the process whereby Neuville anointed Cox without the benefit of a grassroots vetting of the GOP endorsement.

To be honest, Emmer’s gripe is valid. The GOP arrogantly assumed it was an easy win for Cox from the beginning. (Considering the district is historically “moderately” conservative.) Pawlenty made the appointment because everybody was on the hay-wagon for this sleazy deal from the beginning, right?!

No. Brodkorb was pissed off. Fingers still frostbitten from Tuesdays doorbell smashing, he unleashed a butt-load of whoop-ass on his GOP com padres:

Drew, I consider you a friend and I tip my hat to you. You did nothing to help out with the SD 25 special election, yet by quickly pointing out this morning how everyone else stumbled, you win the first-ever Minnesota Democrats Exposed Man Not In The Arena Award.

Drew’s prize is the opportunity to come on tomorrow’s radio show and tell the listeners of NARN “The Final Word” how we all could have done a better job. The number is (651) 289-4488 and I look forward to Drew’s collecting his prize anytime after 3:45 p.m. Congrats Drew!

It’s more fun than watching midget-wrestling, don’t you think?!

Bush Evil The knee-jerk is to lash out and throw fiery barbs at your friends by giving them “Dunce Awards” hoping that, when Der Fuher shows up at the Xcel Energy Center this fall, he’ll decide who’s to blame for this disaster. (Hopefully he’ll blame Emmer!! Oh please! Oh please! Let it be Emmer!!)

Brokorb isn’t finished either. Mitch Berg, of “Shot in the Dark” also was pissed off at the loss, and blogged about it. Brodkorb offered a stupid “Runner-Up Dunce Cap” award:

My NARN colleague (and friend) Mitch Berg wins “honorable mention” by regurgitating Drew’s post and adding his own “analysis” on why the Republican effort came up short in SD 25. I’ll will be asking Mitch to stay in the studio tomorrow (NARN II ends right before NARN III begins) to claim his “honorable mention” award. Congrats Mitch!

The Minnesota DFL has check-mated the Republican governor.

Pawlenty’s lost the Minnesota Senate to the DFL with a veto-proof majority and in 2006, he lost all of the State’s elected Officers to the DFL. We’re down to 1 Republican US Senator in Norm Coleman (Lame Flip-Flopper), Michele (Jesus) Bachmann in the 6th (Wack-Job), John Kline in the 2nd CD (Iraqi War whore) and the GOP’s only respected elected official, Jim Ramstad (R-Stepping Down Maybe) in the third.

The biggest applause belongs to Kevin Dahle and his wife Beth. “Welcome to the DFL and to political ground-swell movement of Change Senator Dahle! We’re weird, we’re nutty, and occasionally we’re bitFruitFly 6 kookie. But we’re always pleased that you’re there to represent us.”

My humble thanks to Zack over at MNPublius, who deserves all of the credit for all of the information on this subject. If I didn’t have my “Zack” over at MN Publius, nothing in this blog entry would make any sense at all.

Found At A Magazine Stand

More Bush Bull-SCHIPNewspaper stand

Freepers scream and complain about the Democrats using a 7th Grader to deliver the weekly radio address. The GOP Response: “The Horror!”, “The Shame!”

Bush’s Education Budget has been cut over $30 Billion within a year.

…”The Hypocracy!” <crickets creaking><toads croaking>

Black Garbage Fly

Senator Larry Craig: “Master baiting with his wiener”

He calls it his “Super Tuber”. Senator Larry “Dirty Potty Boy” Craig brags up his favorite way to munch on an Idaho potato. He carves out a hole in it and sticks his wiener inside and dips it in his special sauce.

Don’t believe me? Click here and enjoy!

One more to defend

Ralph Regula (R-OH) has announce his retirement as being imminent. OUCH! Regula’s departure was unexpected as they’re already scrambling for Congresscritters who are under investigation for taking bribes, questionable land-deals and being busted in sex-scandals.

boccieri 1

boccieri 3

The RNCC is already bankrupt. Defending that chair and keeping it Red is going to be a mega-huge problem for them.

Meanwhile, John Boccieri is going to be the expected winner of that chair. He’s got the nod from big-named groups like VotesVets and WesPac. Best of all, he’s a mega-hottie.

The GOP has stooped to begging

The GOP is freaking out and kissing Jim Ramstad’s big white booty begging him to take back his resignation letter and stay in office. I won’t even bother with commentary, especially when MNPublius does it far better than I could.

Nursing Care for the GLBT senior citizenhousefly

Joe My God has a fascinating peek on the NYT’s insight towards elderly gay and lesbian citizens going back into the closet as they enter hetero-dominated nursing homes.

There are an estimated 2.4 million elderly LGBT people in America, most of whom are forced back into the closet when they enter nursing care, living the last days of their lives in unimaginable loneliness. The Times article goes on to discuss the isolation and dangers that elderly gays face, but speaks optimistically about the gay-specific nursing home/assisted care facilities that are opening around the country.

I know of high-income GLBT nursing care and assisted living programs going on in Phoenix, Florida and Southern Cal. But, senior living for the rest of society’s GLBT scum is fairly non-existent. As the Baby-Boomer generation enters retirement, there’s a looming disaster in our (GLBT) horizon.

Deer FlyAmerican Marines held at gun-point by American paid Mercenaries

Blackwater SUV full of mercenaries crashes into a Marine Humvee. Blackwater bailed out, disarmed the Marines, got them on the ground and held them at gun point while they separated the two vehicles.

If I were an Iraqi civilian witnessing that scene, I wouldn’t know what to think!

DailyKos has the full story and theyFruitFly 6 have another video of a firefight our military is involved in and they’re taking orders from Blackwater civilian-clad mercenaries. It’s enough to make you erp your lunch.

These Republicans… Ya know..! They just know how to support our troops. They really do.

Katherine Kersten’s “Republicanville”

Rita SkeeterA few years ago, Minneapolis Star-Tribune hired a “conservative” voice for the paper – what they ended up with was a dolt. Katherine Kersten’s writings are poorly researched, her facts are dubious at best and her conservative values forces her into the Land of Hypocrisies. I remember one of her earliest columns where she finger-wagged her critics that picking on her because of her religion was strictly off-base. Yet, since the Imams story broke last year, Kersten routinely ridicules and/or marginalizes the Muslim faith. If there’s an update on the lawsuit the Imams have filed, Kersten’s on top of it. Did I already complain about her lack of factual information? Oh good, I did.

Because today’s column is no different. In her piece: “PlentyBlack Garbage Fly of surprises in Ghost Town of political moderates“, she writes…an allegory(?) about moderate Republicans who are leaving Congress and it reminds her of a “ghost town”. It’s a really stupid column that’s factually flawed but packed with complaints about liberal blogs like DailyKos, liberal groups like Move-On and the DLC. She notes that Minnesota’s 3rd CD Jim Ramstad’s departure reminds her of a ghost town and finishes with this paragraph:

Today, there’s a regular stampede of moderates running for office. But they are more likely to wear a red Republican R brand than a blue D

Huh?! What does this have to do with a ghost town? And the facts are once again; completely wrong.

Deer FlyIncorrect Fact #1: There is a stampede going on — And the stamped is Republicans switching to become Democrats. Most recently in Texas, Represenative Kirk England of Grand Prairie announced his leaving the Republican Party and will caucus for Democrats from now on. England said with his middle finger in the air:

“After one session in the House, I found that the Republican leadership in Austin had no tolerance for the values and priorities of the folks I represent.

Note to Katherine Kersten: This is a quote from a Texan!

Last October, The Washington Post wrote a story that nine Republicans in Kansas have switched to the Democrat Party. In the piece entitled “Moderates in Kansas Decide They’re Not in GOP Anymore“, it noted that Mark Parkinson, the former Chair of the Kansas GOP has walked out of the party and ran for Lieutenant Governor with Kathleen Sebelius as a Democrat. And guess what – he won. The former GOP chairman of Kansas runs as a Democrat for Lt Governor and wins?!?!? He won?!?

We can’t even paint Kansas a deep-purple Red anymore…It’s Bluer than my Ben Franklin Purple-heart pin!!!

Last August 3, 2006, a rumor started that State Senatormosquito Nancy Riley of Oklahoma was trading her big red “R” brand for a shiny blue “D” brand because she was sick of the way the GOP had been treating her. By the end of the day, she switched and said this:

Riley says she was completely ignored by the Republican caucus during this year’s legislative session. She believes her treatment is because of her moderate views and because she’s a woman.

Note to Katherine Kersten:

Watch out Honey!! With the number of moderate Republicans stampeding to wear a big Blue “D” brand, you’re likely to get run over!!

Update #3: The term “RINO”, or “Republican In Name Only” shows up on ABC’s “Brothers and Sisters” program in Episode #25. The Walker family is heading to San Diego to reclaim a family-member and Kitty Walker (Republican-Calista Flockhart insists on tuning in the family car auto to a Konservative Radio Talk-Jock who makes animal noises when describing Ms. Walker’s fiance’. When asked about the noises, Kitty says; “It’s a rhinoceros” and her gay brother says: “I get it…RINO…”Republican In Name Only”.)

Updated #2: In Fairfax, VA, State Senator Jeannemarie Devolites Davis (R) is now running around calling herself a “RINO“: Republican In Name Only. In a district that’s regarded the most affluent in the state, Republicans watch it turning Blue and their state senator knows she can’t win on a Republican ticket.

Voters backed Democrats in the past two gubernatorial elections and went for U.S. Sen. Jim Webb last November.

JIm Hovland

Update #1: Ohhhhh…SNAP!! Big E from MnBlue just slapped me with a Comment. Apparently, Edina, MN mayor Jim Hovland is another “moderate Republican” who just might run for Ramstad’s Congressional seat… As a Democrat! How could I have missed that one?!?! I…Why I must have had a “Kersten-Sized brain-fart and forgot to do my research!”

Deer FlyIncorrect Fact #2: Kersten said:

Rep. Jim Ramstad of the Third Congressional District, who recently announced his retirement, is the latest to star in this tragic/heroic role.

Wrong. If Kersten bothered fact-checking herself, she would have discovered that the Star-Tribune reported Ramstad’s departure was on the 17th of September. One Friday Setember 21st, Jerry Weller (R-IL) of th 11th Congressional District announced he will not be seeking a re-election, making Congress Weller the latest star that is “stampeding” out of Congress. To make the fact even more painful, Weller’s stepping down is in a large part because of the amount of investigations and allegations against him.

mosquito…In fact: A watchdog group has declared Weller one of the most corrupt members of Congress, there’s a subpoena in a former colleague’s bribery trial and criticism from not revealing to Congress the extent of Nicaraguan land purchases.

Other Republicans “stampeding” out of Congress so far includes Conservative Republican John Warner of Virginia and Moderate Republican Chuck Hagel of Nebraska.

Now what about this allegory of a “Ghost Town” of moderate Republicans? What would Katherine Kersten’s thriving little “Republicanville” town look like?

houseflyRep. Ken Calvert (R-CA) ,Rep. John T. Doolittle (R-CA), Rep. Tom Feeney (R-FL), Rep. Doc Hastings (R-WA), Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA), Rep. Gary G. Miller (R-CA), Rep. Timothy F. Murphy (R-PA), Rep. Steve Pearce (R-NM), Rep. Rick Renzi (R-AZ), Rep Harold Rogers (R-KY), Rep Don Young (R-AK), Rep Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-CA), Rep Tom Delay (R-TX) and Rep. Heather A. Wilson (R-NM) would be headed to jail and/or under investigation by the local town sheriff. This includes both of Alaska’s Republican US Senators Ted Stevens and Lisa Murkowski, Pete Domenici (R-NM) and Kentucky’s Republican Senator Mitch McConnell.

Oklahoma Co Sheriff Republicanville would be jam-packed with Preachers who love the town whores. Preachers like Ted Haggard, Lonnie Latham and Coy Privette all enjoying adultery while finger-wagging the townsfolk all about the sins listed in the Bible. The only town’s preacher who isn’t sleeping with a prostitute is the town drunk who’s wearing a skirt and urinating against the local theater. And the sheriff arrested him once and the preacher offered fellatio on the sheriff and his deputy.

In fact, prostitution would seem to be the only industry inhousefly Kersten’s Republicanville that thrives!

Shoot! You can even get a discount from one of the Local Madam’s whores just by mentioning David Vitter’s (R-LA) name! In Republicanville, even the lone outhouse is haunted by State Represenative Bob Allen (R-FL) offering the men needing to use the toilet a shiny $20 gold-coin if they’ll give him the privilege to perform fellatio on them while Larry Craig (R-ID) is offering fellatio on the inside for free!

FoleyKersten’s perfect bustling town would have one radio station who’s only talk-show host is an over-weight drug addict who flies to tropical paradise islands where boy-prostitution is legal with an erectile dysfunction prescription filled out to somebody else. And while we’re talking about molesting little boys, let’s make sure we don’t forget Repupublicanville’s favored son Mark Foley (R-FL) who can molest your son faster than Kersten can write more bullshit in her next column.

Shucks Katherine, I completely forgot! Former United States Speaker of the House “Fat” Denny Hastert (R-IL) has decided to leave Congress faster than he could drum up an Exit Sign after deciding Mark Foley did no-wrong.

mosquitoBy the way: If your kid isn’t getting molested in Republicanville, he’s probably being raped in his sleep by the chair of the National Young Republicans Federation. If you have a daughter, she would be getting raped by the local National Young Republicans and then run around telling everybody that she deserved it.

Bush plays guitar

One time, the town had a flood that could have been easily prevented, but Republicanville’s Mayor ignored the town and decided instead hang on in a sing-along with a no-name musician named Mark Willis. When a bridge fell down in the town, 13 people died and Katherine Kersten’s “Republicanville” thought the mayor fingers crossedwould come through for them. He didn’t of course and he won’t! He has the diction of a third grader, but they’re still crossing their fingers he’s gonna come through on that bridge re-building thing!!


Katherine Kersten has no wiggle room in criticizing anybody for anything in relation to politics or religion. Kersten’s conservative Christian views are flawed and those who share in her conservative Christian views are morally, ethically, politically and spiritually bankrupt. Kersten throws her Star-Tribune weight around to belittle and demean anything outside of the scope of her narrow dime-sized world. She’ll criticize gays, Muslims, academia, Democrats – anything that isn’t holding a Bible and carrying a crucifix and wearing a big “red Republican R brand on their chest.”

In exchange, the backdrop to Kersten’s stage is covered in a vile filth unlikeFruitFly 6 anything in American history. And yet, she continues to draw a paycheck! The Star Tribune finds her “valuable”, and I have a sneaky suspicion they’re keep this very stupid columnist on the payroll because so many of us love to hate her.

Found on a Doorstep

doorstephouseflyMSNBC’s Kieth Olbermann is AFK (away from keyboard) because he’s now missing his appendix. It means we’ll be stuck with that blond girl for the next day or so.

houseflySec of State Condi Rice is now officially a lesbian. Well, sort of… She shares ownership of a home in Palo Alto with a liberal progressive documentary film maker. The woman is single, never been married and is considered Dr. Rice’s closest friend. Oh…and the woman’s lasts name is “Bean”. Obviously, the home’s mailbox proudly says; “Rice and Bean’s“.

houseflySenators John Kerry (D-MA) and John McCain (R-AZ) were on Meet the Press on Sunday. When the fight was over, McCain had a broken arm, a wrenched back a bloody-lip and one tooth was missing. Kerry walked away as the declared winner with only a black-eye.

houseflyThe Flying Nun has a foul mouth – But thankfully, FOX was there to protected us from the profanity. Click here if you want to hear the uncensored version, but remember: Jesus will hate you for it.

houseflyMinneapolis’ famous bridge remains collapsed. No money has been received from the feds, no agreements on rebuilding the bridge, no contracts to the bridge and the Mayor leaves for US Conference of Mayors embarrassed and ashamed. Said Minnesota’s Republican Governor Tim Pawlenty: “So what? The mayor has plenty of other roads available! Why are these Democrats such jerks! Gimme Gimme Gimme! That’s all they whine about…!!!”

Update: Another bridge in Minneapolis has been closed. It’s been discovered that the foundation, built in 1905, has shifted about eleven inches from it’s original position. The decking of the bridge was last replaced in 1958. Note: MN DOT isn’t doing anything about this bridge – it’s a county project and the Governor kept making “whiny” noise-imitations when he was told about this bridge closing.

houseflyThe Chinese have generously given Hawai’i a boat load of poisonous spiders, which they didn’t want in the first place. US Customs officials, understaffed and under paid aren’t sure of what to do about it. Perhaps killing them would be appropriate? Said one Customs official: “Thankfully, al Queda hasn’t figured out the shipping industry yet.”

houseflyRepublican Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney uses St Vincent’s Hospital in New York City to explain why Hillary Clinton’s health care plan is stupid and how much the Mormon church hates sick mommies and daddies. St Vincent’s Hospital objected to being used as a prop for political reasons, and Romney’s team shot back: “Who cares what St Vincent’s thinks?”

houseflyCurentTV’s Super News has a new issue out that’s fun. It accurately depicts the Republican Party’s young people in a timeless episode spoofing the movie “The Hills“.

houseflyJim Ramstad (R-MN 3rd CD) has just announced (less than an hour ago) that he will not be running for re-election in 2008. When asked why he said; “Two reasons! One ..! Because Michele Bachmann keeps hitting on me and whining that her husband is gay. Two..! Because I don’t wantFruitFly 6 to be representing the minority party in Congress for the next twenty years!”

Update: Minnesota’s GOP Chair, Ron Carey, has announced that auditions for Congressman Ramstad’s Republican replacement will be held at a Mens Room at the Minneapolis/St Paul Airport…which is now a tourist trap.

Minn Cupcake Votes “No” On Minimum Wage

Why am I not suprised by this? Rep Michele BachmannBachmann Hitler (R-MN) decided that raising the minimum wage for low-income working folks just wasn’t necessary. How odd, that Jim Ramstad (R-MN) from our 3rd Congressional District even joined the rest of the Minnesota team and voted for the minimum wage increase.

So, with a total of 8 Congressional Districts in Minnesota, only two are represented by Republicans, and only one of those two voted against the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007: Minnesota’s very own “Katherine Harris, Version 2.0” Michele Bachmann.

Why do I get the sneaky suspicion that Bachmann is going to ride her four two years in office making Minnesota an embarrassment. The rest of us who aren’t in Bachmann’s 5th District should set up toll-booths and tarriff’s for entering and leaving the district, just to pay off the shame.

If she spent all of that time talking to God before she was elected, then is it safe to say that God hates poor people?!?

The other day, somebody in the local news was noting all of the uniqueness from Minnesota’s election last November. Camera is spot on and the voice over said: “Senator Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota’s first female elected to the US Senate!” and then the camera is on Keith Ellision and he’s smiling and the voice-over said; “Mr. Ellision is Minnesota’s first African-American elected to Congress and is the first Muslim elected to Congress!”. Then the camera was on Michele Bachman and there’s no voice-over because she speaks into the microphone and says; “Well, it’s not talked about much, but I’m the first female Republican elected to Congress!”

The Fruit FlyI wish I could find that piece. She going to be such an embarrassment to her District and her God for the next four years. I can’t wait for her husband Marcus to come flying out of the Closet like an old argyle sweater…. You just know that’s the next shoe to drop.

Updated:  Someone came along and left a comment and pointed out the “error of my ways”.  Bachman’s up for reelection in two years – and there’s already a great gaggle of DFL’ers ready to shoo her out the door.