Actually, it’s fun to cruise along the Konservative Bloggers sites in Minnesota. I find it entertaining. The whining, the crabbing, the bitching…It’s just fun! They gossip about rumor control over Barack Obama, or they hen-peck Minnesota Secretary of State, Mark Ritchie on this US Senate Recountgate thing.

It’s a bit like tolerating your Mom who won’t shut up when she found that joint in your jeans pocket. It isn’t bad enough that you were too stoned to remember rescue your doobage before throwing the jeans into the laundry; its the continued bitching a week later about the horrors of chemicals used as pesticides on pot from third world countries, lung cancer and the famous “soft drugs lead to LSD”.

The Power Line Blog is such a place. The past four days, nothing has been blogged but bitching about Obama’s election, the horrors that Obama could be, nay…”might be” meeting with Hamas, or this complaint here:

Our Dartmouth correspondent reports from Hanover that the students appearing in the video above marched to Dartmouth President Wright’s house on the evening of November 4 and screamed until he came outside in his pajamas to give a speech. She adds:

On the day of the election, the college Democrats covered literally every inch of every sidewalk on campus with stuff like “Your ballot should look like this” and then a drawing of a ballot with Obama/Biden, Hodes, etc. checked off. And they put yard signs on the Green, which is not allowed, and stickers in the halls and bathrooms of all the dorms and buildings including the library, which is also not allowed.

Ah, the wonders of “diversity” in the Ivy League!

The video Scott, the author, is talking about can be seen here:

Yes, that’s right boys and girls: Scott Johnson, from the Power Line Blog, is complaining that there are far too many white kids who go to Dartmouth. That whole “diversity” thing is thrown out because Dartmouth is apparently a mecca for America’s “Great White Youth”.

Mr. Johnson seems to be disgruntled that Dartmouth students weren’t stuffing their fists deep into their pockets, grumbling and crabbing because John McCain didn’t win. Since these ‘bleach white” Dartmouth students didn’t go out and vote for Sarah Palin, they deserve to have the race card punked against them.

You see what I mean? Entertainment!

Michael B Brodkorb over at that pathetic gossip-blog “Minnesota Democrats Exposed” wrote:


Tomorrow on Minnesota Democrats Exposed, I will be publishing a detailed post all about Secretary of State Mark Ritchie and his hyper-partisanship. Think of my post as Mark Ritchie for Dummies.

No blogger or reporter in the entire world has written more posts or stories about Ritchie than me, so please check back to Minnesota Democrats Exposed.

We’ll have to check back with Mr. Brodkorb. Afterall, curious minds demand to know every inch and moment of Mark Ritchie’s life. I mean, Ritchie’s a liberal for chrissakes! There has to be TONS and TONS of information worth studying and blogging about!

The entire blog entry, if it even appears, will be slanted towards suspicion, hatred and will demand Ritchie’s head be put on a pike. …It’s what they always do!

They’re in the minority, and they just can’t come to accept that the majority of Americans thinks they’re all a bunch of wack jobs.

MRE: Another Lawsuit from Coleman: Please, Let me Win!

It’s shameful, I know! But it’s what you get when you’re dealing with a Republican. They can’t be faulted, nor are you allowed to tell them they’re wrong. Meanwhile, they’ll do anything, including whoring out their wives to Iranian businessmen to keep in power, to be kept in fancy suits and to continue to kick our children in the teeth when it comes to health care.

This re-count stuff isn’t about Minnesota for Norm Coleman. It’s all about Norm Coleman!

Norm, who used to be useful to Minnesota, when he was a Democrat, has turned into the hateful drunken old man who’ll file frivolous lawsuits just to keep in power. It’s disgusting.

(“Drunken old man”, I know, I know. One of Coleman’s favorite restaurants has a server who’s a friend of mine. Coleman’s drink of choice: “Gin and Tonic…Just burn it.”)

Courtesy of Aaron Landry @ MNPublius, Team Franken has released a press statement:


Another Coleman Lawsuit Makes It Clear: Norm Coleman Doesn’t Want All The Votes To Be Counted


Saint Paul [11/08/08] – In a shameful effort to deprive Minnesota voters of their civil rights, the Coleman campaign today went to court in an attempt to block 32 absentee ballots from being counted.Communications Director Andy Barr:

“Our position is simple: Count every vote fairly. Ever since the routine process of canvassing to ensure that every vote is counted began, the Coleman campaign has been attempting to obstruct it. And, in typical fashion, they have now gone to court to shut down the count. This stealth attack on an early Saturday morning is a disgusting attempt to disenfranchise voters who did nothing wrong, and we will fight hard on behalf of Minnesotans who deserve to have their voices heard.”

Anyone surprised? These people are shameless.

Shameless indeed. A copy of the injunction (PDF) can be seen here.
This picture came from my friend Tilde… She’s so hot. If she were a guy, I would totally make out with her.

But wait! Hark!! Do I hear the words from Norm Coleman’s camp speaking?! Of course I hear them… Norm Coleman – is suing because he’s “protecting” the Minnesota voter!

At first, he complained that this recount was a waste of taxpayer money. Then he files a lawsuit against Al Franken for the media’s discovery of Norm’s wife taking money from Iranian businessman, and now he’s filing this lawsuit because “HE LOVES US MINNESOTANS!!!”

From the Neocon’s castle come Michael B. Brodkorb, their court jester:


ST. PAUL – The Coleman for Senate Campaign released the following statement today after it became evident that Franken Campaign and outside groups attempt to improperly influence canvassing process.

Campaign Manager Cullen Sheehan:

“Not content to allow the recount process to move forward as prescribed by law, the Franken Campaign and its supporters are attempting a campaign of undue influence. The increasing questions about unexplained and improbable shifts in vote counts, coupled with Franken Campaign antics over the past 24 hours, compelled us to seek legal action to protect the rights of Minnesota voters. We had an election. Senator Coleman won. And we now must have a legal and transparent process conducted in the light of day – and that is our goal and intent.

“Late last night, after another unexplained shift in votes occurred when the Secretary of State’s Office closed, new ballots have suddenly appeared from a heavily Democratic precinct. These ballots have been unsecure since the election, yet the Franken Campaign is demanding they be stuffed into the ballot box, attempting to change a vote count that was already finished. Minnesota election laws provide specific rules for reviewing and counting ballots. Today’s legal proceeding is an effort to ensure that a transparent and orderly process be in place. The Franken Campaign should be joining us in this action, not seeking to push the process outside the bounds of the law.”

Huh?! They won?!? What did they win?! By Minnesota law, the only thing they won was a recount of the votes!

And don’t you just love that last sentance there? “Franken you see, should be joining us in this action…by just saying Norm Coleman won.”

What a bunch of pompous ass-hats.

Norm Coleman doesn’t understand. The people of Minnesota elected Secretary of State, Mark Ritchie to do his job. He, and all of the election officials are doing a bang-up job as best they can. But Norm doesn’t see it that way. In a vote that triggers a Minnesota Law to recount the ballots, he whines that it’s a waist of taxpayer money. And now, he’s filing lawsuits to keep ballots from being counted…at the taxpayers’ expense.


Does anybody out there remember when US Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN) spit on Paul Wellstone’s freshly dug grave and said these words:

To be very blunt and God watch over Paul’s soul, I am a 99 percent improvement over Paul Wellstone,” Coleman said in a front-page story published in Roll Call. “Just about on every issue.

Well, I seriously doubt that Paul Wellstone had a Sugar Daddy named Nasser Kazeminy. Kazeminy loves Norm. Like the GOP loves Governor Palin with $4,000 clothing allowances to make her look “pretty”; Kazeminy gives Norm Coleman big shopping sprees to buy him new suits at Neiman Marcus, flies the Coleman Clan to the Bahamas on his private jet and personally leaves little mints on the Colemans’ pillow every night.

(Please Note: I was going to say that Kazeminy personally lights the Colemans’ cigarettes immediately after their “whoopee time”, but I didn’t want to be too…Ummm “Obtuse”. This is a “family friendly” site for God’s Sakes..)

Now if you’re not quite sure what’s going on with this story, I can help. Nothing like a little help from a Fruit Fly when everybody else can’t tell you jack-shit.

Nasser Kazeminy is the CEO of mega-corp NJK Holdings in Houston. According to the Huffington Post, Kazeminy gave $1,300 to Norm Coleman in the first Quarter of 2007, and in the 4th Quarter, $10,000 to the Minnesota GOP.

Paul McKim is the CEO of a company called DMT, Deep Marine Technologies. Kazeminy is the controlling stockholder for DMT and feels it is his duty to give money to the Coleman’s paltry salary income as a US Senator by forcing McKim to send money to a Minneapolis based insurance company Hays Companies, Lauri Coleman’s (US Senator Norm Coleman’s wife) employer.

This is where McKim and Kazeminy get all “testeroni” with each other and McKim points out that he’s the CEO of DMT and that leaves Kazeminy out of the decision making process. Kazeminy thinks that as DMT’s controlling shareholder, that makes McKim his personal tool-job and threatens to have him fired if he doesn’t “help the poor destitute Coleman Clan”. This is where The Nation magazine comes in – They obtained the original lawsuit filed last Monday:

In March 2007, Kazeminy began ordering the payment of corporate funds to companies and individuals who tendered no goods or services to DMT for the states purpose of trying to financially assist United States Senator Norm Coleman of Minnesota. In March 2007, Kazeminy telephoned B.J. Thomas, then DMT’s Chief Financial Officer. In that conversation, Kazeminy told Mr. Thomas that “US Senators don’t make [expletive deleted]” and that he was going to find a way to get money to Coleman and wanted to utilize DMT in the process…Kazeminy told Mr. McKim that he [Kazeminy] would make sure there was paperwork to make it appear as though the payments were made in connection with the legitimate transations, explaining further that Senator Coleman’s wife, Laurie, worked for the Hays Companies, an insurance broker in Minneapolis, and that the payments could be made to Hays for insurance. When Mr. McKim made further objections, Kazeminy repeatedly threatened to fire Mr. McKim, telling him “this is my company” and that he and Thomas had better follow his orders in paying Hays. Subsequently, Kazeminy caused Hays to produce a document entitled “Disclosure of Service Fees” which purported to legitimize the basis of the payments to be made to Hays by DMT.

According to the lawsuit, Laurie Coleman received three $25,000 payments under the alleged “invoice” called “Disclosure of Service Fees”.

…So, will we soon have another six years of Norm Coleman taking money from other Sugar Daddies until he looks just like Alaska’s Senator Ted Stevens?! Oh…wait, that parallel has already been spotted. More on that in a minute.

The lawsuit goes on:

Kazeminy informed McKim and Thomas that Hays would funnel the money from DMT to Senator Coleman through the payment of compensation, to his wife, Laurie, and that there was nothing to worry about. Laurie Coleman never provided any type of services or products to DMT. Furthermore, at no time has Hays been licensed to broker insurance in the State of Texas.

Read the break-down of the entire lawsuit here, courtesy of the Minnesota Independent.

Harpers Magazine recently wrote that Kazeminy and Coleman are extremely close:

Coleman also has a close relationship with Minnesota businessman Nasser Kazeminy, a big donor to the G.O.P. and to Coleman. In 2005, the senator and his daughter jetted down to the Bahamas on a private plane owned by Kazeminy, a trip valued at $3,960. In 2004, he and his wife flew to Paris on Kazeminy’s plane, a $2,870 value.

Laurie Coleman is apparently the Little Darling at her work at Hays Companies in Minneapolis.

Meanwhile, the senator’s own wife, Laurie Coleman, is employed by Minneapolis-based Hays Companies, according to his latest personal financial disclosure form. The Hays Companies offers clients advice on risk management, commercial insurance, and employee benefits. The firm’s executives, their spouses and employees provided Coleman with $20,700 in campaign contributions between 2002 and 2006.

It’s not clear why a risk management firm would require the services of Laurie Coleman, an aspiring actress and the inventor of the “Blo & Go,” a hands-free hair drying device (“The whole key to this is the suction,” she has explained of her product’s utility.) Coleman’s financial disclosure form doesn’t list his wife’s job description or salary. LeRoy Coleman, the senator’s spokesman, declined to elaborate; the firm did not reply to a request for comment.

Nice to see the Coleman’s have surrounded themselves with people who share in the true “American Family Values” crowd!

Kazeminy has been swimming in Minnesota politics for a long while. An old City Pages article from 2002 discusses Kazeminy’s involvement with Minnesota Republicans here.

Atypical for Coleman, he filed a Defemation lawsuit against Minnesota’s DFL Senator Al Franken. Such lawsuits are considered frivolous by the courts and are routinely thrown out. But, Norm Coleman files them as a diversion from the subject hoping enough people will feel sorry for him rather than see him as the weasel he really is: This lawsuit against Franken marks the fourth one Coleman has filed throughout his political career.
Screaming and hollering at Franken hasn’t taken grip because there’s nothing to see. Coleman decided to withdraw the defamation suit.

Now all of this information is what’s floating out there in MSM. Turn the page, Baby and catch up with this:

Yesterday, November 1st, 2008, a new lawsuit has been filed in Delaware against Coleman’s Kazeminy!!

A second lawsuit has been filed against Sen. Norm Coleman’s supporter Nasser Kazeminy, accusing him of using a Texas company to funnel secret cash to the senator’s wife, Laurie.

The Coleman campaign says both suits are part of an Al Franken-inspired smear campaign designed to destroy his reputation. The Franken camp says it has nothing to do with the litigation.

This second lawsuit simply adds Paul McKim in an additional suit against Kazeminy:

Both actions allege that Kazeminy told executives at Deep Marine that he wanted to provide financial assistance to the Colemans through an insurance consulting arrangement between Deep Marine and Hays Companies. But the second suit cites a “confidential source.” The lawsuit alleges “gross misuse” of corporate funds at Deep Marine by Kazeminy, who controls a majority share of stock.

The complaint contains a section of allegations related to “improper payments to Sen. Norman Coleman’s wife.” But in a new wrinkle, Deep Marine’s former CEO, McKim, is named as a co-defendant with Kazeminy and several other individuals who were in positions of authority at the company.

Instead of blaming Al Franken for this second lawsuit, Coleman’s campaign manager, Cullen Sheehan blames the Minneapolis Star-Tribune (of course!!) Coleman’s Clan whines:

Coleman’s campaign manager, Cullen Sheehan, said Friday night that the suits are “baseless and false claims … being used to influence the outcome of the election.”

Sheehan also said that the Star Tribune, by reporting on the lawsuits, “is actively participating in the destruction of the reputation of Sen. Coleman and his wife.”


You see, don’t you?! Republicans never take responsibility for their own misdeeds. It’s simply not in their DNA!

So, do you still think Norm Coleman has been “99% better than Paul Wellstone”?

Hey Brodkorb! You wanna stop whining about all of this “Seven-Degress of Separation” bullshit about Al Franken? You’re going to pull your freaking hair out trying to unravel “Thirty-Nine Degrees of Separation” once you’ve analyzed this second lawsuit! Actually, watching your tiny head explode while you’re on Fox News (again) trying to defend these disgusting Republicans, might be the fun and entertainment I’m actually looking forward to!

Stay tuned for more updates on this new Republican debacle. Together with Ted Stevens’ (R-AK) help, Norm Coleman will give us the filibuster-proof majority in the United States Senate!!

by Fruit F. Fly

Extra Amusement Credit:

Watch Norm Coleman run his ass-off trying to get away from the press. You just want to yell at him: “Hey Norm! What did Al Franken do to get you to spend all of that campaign donated money claiming he had something to do with it! If he did…Then what was it?!”

Watch Cullen Sheehan, Norm Coleman’s campaign manager bungle up a press briefing on the topic. It’s three and a half minutes of hilarity while Sheehan has his worst Bad-Hair Day ever saying over and over: “Uhhh…The Senator has reported he has ever received.

Laurie Coleman’s interviewin’ about her “Blo and Glo” invention can be heard here. It’s hysterical…truly. About as much fun as countin’ the number of times Sarah Palin can drop the letter “G” from every word ending in “ing”. …Goin’ strong, don’t cha know!

News Geeks are giggling at Mark Leon Goldberg’s latest in the UN Dispatch who’s ruefully wishing UN Secretary General Kofi Annan fly to Minneapolis and demand Norm Coleman’s resignation. The pun is based on GW Bush appointed John Bolton’s complaint who wished Norm Coleman did to Annan three years ago. Kofi Annan had to defend himself against Norm Coleman about money laundering schemes that included his own son. Laurie Coleman becomes the sacrificial lamb in version 2.0.

Update: I was critiqued (quite politely) by another blogger for spelling Kazeminy’s name incorrectly. I corrected the errors of my writings and I hope all is well in the world… Also in the Land of Oz, on the third moon of Endor as well in the micro bacterial terrain on the inside of my boxer shorts.

Secret Young Republicans training compound located!!

First photos are emerging from behind the enemy lines, where their nefarious indoctrination techniques corrupt the innocent minds of America’s youth and prepare them for a life committed to espousing Republican ideology that runs counter to their own self interests!

We all owe a debt of gratitude to the Democratic operatives that have risked their lives to bring us this first haunting photo:

Elephant Slide

Here we can obviously see a seemingly innocent piece of playground equipment that has been twisted by the right-wing propaganda masters into some sort of sick political metaphor…

Undercover operatives for the Democratic Party have told us that Republican parents force their unwilling children up the molded plastic stairs into the GOP’s “Indoctrination Machine.” These children remain inside for up to 48 hours until they are fully processed. The children, once they are completely transformed into a smelly mass of waste material, will eventually tumble down the chute behind the Indoctrination Machine fully prepared to carry-on the Neocon Agenda.

Said one Republican mother after her child was expelled from the Indoctrination Machine: “Oh, he’s still the little stinker he always was….” where she snickered and waddled away.FruitFly

UNICEF, Save the Children and Sally Struthers have begun nationwide media campaigns to save these poor little children before they’ve become indoctrinated into the little GOP shit’s that’s expected of each and every one of them. So please: If you can give anything, please give to Sally Struther’s Christian Children’s Fund. Because Jesus, and only Jesus could love these little Turds.

I found it on Bartcop Nation… So it must be true!

Carol Molnau Gets The Hatchet on Thursday: Large Crowds Expected for Excecution

HatchetFrom the Minneapolis Star-Trubune

DFLers may fire Molnau Thursday, Senate leaders say

Senate DFLers are planning to vote as early as tomorrow to reject Carol Molnau as the state Transportation Commissioner, according to Senate leaders.

Senate Minority Leader Dave Senjem, R-Rochester, said he was told by Senate Majority Leader Larry Pogemiller that the vote would occur Thursday.

In an interview, Pogemiller, DFL-Minneapolis, wouldn’t say when the vote will take place, but he said the votes are there to deny her confirmation in the transportation commissioner post. He said discussions were continuing today on when to hold the vote and how to do it “in a dignified manner.”

While Pogemiller would not say when the vote would occur, Senjem said Pogemiller has been clear to him that the vote is scheduled for Thursday.

“I don’t think they are going to enter into the debate a lot. I think they are doing it on a day when the news is going to be dominated by the budget and so this issue will be somewhat secondary,” Senjem said. “We’re prepared here for tomorrow. You don’t have to plan real far ahead to do this.”

Senate DFLers caucused today on the issue, Senjem said he was told. The Senate would only need a simple majority to vote down Molnau’s confirmation and Pogemiller said today it was clear the votes were there to reject her.

Hrmm… It would seem that the DFL here in Minnesota stuffed their hands into bloomers and found – Lo and Behold! They found some cajones!

I’ll betcha Minn GOP Chair Lord Voldemort Ron Carey starts to cry. No! No! It’ll be Governor Timmeh who cries, Lord Voldemort will say:

“Kerfuffle, Kerfuffle,FruitFly 6 Kerfuffle, Kerfuffle, Kerfuffle!!”

crybabyI’ll bet Michael B. Brodkorb cries too. He’s a crybaby. He’ll blubber on for about it for a week or so. His titles will go from <H3> to <H1> and he’ll start bleeding from his eyes. Watch all of the GOP do this: “GASP! How rude!! These DFL’ers are such savages!!”

“Minnesota Democrats Exposed” Exposed

rotten fruit(Minnesota) Republicans find no fault in smear campaigns as long as it’s the DFL. They’ll throw out any kind of bullshit out there as long as they think their Dittohead readers will simply accept it as truth and accept it without question.

Enter Exhibit A… Michael B Brodkorb over at “Minnesota Democrats Exposed” has just blogged an entry making a few dubious claims. Brodkorb says that US Senator-hopeful Al Franken has spent more money than Senate Republican-Incumbent Norm (a.ka. the Bush puppet) Coleman.

Brodkorb jumps in at it too:

According to press releases and published reports, U.S. Senator Norm Coleman’s campaign has a 2 to 1 cash on hand advantage over Al Franken’s campaign. Franken ended the year with just over $3 million in the bank, while Coleman has over $6 million.

Franken has spent almost 60% of what his campaign has raised. Franken’s “burn-rate” (how much money he is spending compared to what he is raising) continues to be really high. Franken’s running a very expensive campaign.

You can’t buy tv ads or field staffers with a list of prospective donors. These things need to be paid for with cold, hard cash. I’m hearing from some Democrats that concerns are growing that Team Franken’s spending habits might not be sustainable.

Wow! Those are some damned strong accusations, aren’t they?! Did you check out that last sentence? He say he’s hearing some some Dems that they’re raising concerns that Team Franken’s spending habits might be worse than Lindsey Lohan’s cocaine habit.

al frankenWhy, Brodkorb here implies that he might just make millions of dollars shooting and producing an “Al Fraken Spending Gone Wild” video!

There’s only one problem with this in that he documents nothing. …Absolutely nothing! He doesn’t cite one source to support his allegation(s). You’re just supposed to accept it as fact.

…and so let’s keep the fact for what it really is; Al Franken has raised more money, and has spent more than his incumbent-rival Senator Norm Coleman. That’s okay, because I swam all over the Internet looking for anything where a Republican campaign outspent a Democrat’s campaign. And I ended up back where I started.

Blue Man in a Red District points out that Brodkorb cheered the fact:

A week ago Brodkorb was pimping the fact that (R) Ray Cox had raised nearly $40,000 while Dahle (DFL) lagged behind at about $10,000.

In the end, Cox spent over $29,000 in the race, compared to about $12,000 for Dahle, and got beat by 13 points.

What?!? Mikey B, say it isn’t so! Are you saying that you’re a stinking hypocrite? When a Republican state senator spends 75% of of his campaign funds – that’s great news! But if a DFL US Senator spends an alleged 60% of his cash, that creates …what was that?! “…concerns are growing that Team Franken’s spending habits might not be sustainable.”

liarI truly think he’s lying that any Democrats have raised any concern about Al Franken’s spending. In fact, I’ll go out on a limb and say that Micheal B. Brodkorb is flat-out lying about the subject. (Since he doesn’t bother to cite his work, he’ll have to simply accept the allegation until he can produce anything to support his claim.)

For the record (only because Brodkorb is far too lazy to look it up and document his work), KARE-11 filed this today:

For the third straight reporting period, DFL candidate Al Franken has out-raised Sen. Norm Coleman.

Franken says he raised nearly $1.9 million in the last quarter of 2007, while Coleman reports raising $1.7 million.

But Coleman was able to widen his cash-on-hand advantage over Franken. Coleman finished the year with about $6 million, compared to just under $3.1 million for Franken, a comedian-turned-politician.

For the year, Franken raised around $7 million, while Coleman raised $6.6 million.

KARE-11 adds on caveat that compounds the equation Brodkorb certainly doesn’t want you to consider:

Franken is battling Democrat Mike Ciresi and others for the right to take on Coleman, a Minnesota Republican. Ciresi did not immediately release his latest campaign figures.

With all of the cash raising by the entire DFL team, including Mike Ciresi, Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, and Jim Cohen all totaled up: Norm Coleman has accomplished little. Well, except for being a good puppy for King George. I guess in that light; Norm’s been a huge beacon of hope for the Dittoheads.

While Al Franken’s team is proudly explaining that not only have they raised more money than Coleman, it was money that came from American citizens:

A couple hours after we sent out the email below, Norm Coleman announced his own fund raising numbers. Turns out, we out raised him yet again! And we did it without

taking a dime from the Big Oil, Big Insurance, and Big Pharmaceutical PACs he relies on – we did it with you, and 81,414 other Americans who want to see change in Washington.

Lucky Mr. Brodkorb. My college professor’s never let me get away with drawing conclusions and stating facts without citing my sources. Drawing double-standards and promoting hypocrisy in my material would have me kicked out of the damned class.

muffin headNow with all of that set aside, this is what I found the funniest part of researching this blog entry. Brodkorb’s entry where he’s bragging it up about Ray Cox (R-SD25) raises almost four times what his competitor Kevin Dahle (DFL) raised for that special election. Read the blog entry – and then cruise on down to the comments section to all of Brodkorb’s muffin-headed geeks and read what they have to say about the (upcoming) election. Keep in mind that it was all written 12/31/07 and the election was held 1/3/08, so nobody knows the results…yet. They’re all excited about Brodkorb’s entry that Dahle is obviously a loser for not raising nearly the amount of cash that Ray Cox has raised. And so they leave their comments like:

  1. In the Know Says:
    December 31st, 2007 at 4:53 pm Typical DFLer – spend more than you have. The DFL can give up to $5,000 total in this race – why did they only give $3,000?

..and this guy’s comment:

  1. flyer Says:
    January 1st, 2008 at 9:44 pm This is non-news. The DFL is going to lose this election and then know it. Their lackluster effort shows it all.

That one made me laugh. “Yes Michael B. Brodkorb! You’re delight in the money-raising isn’t news! The DFL and it’s lackluster effort shows it all!!”

..and this one:

  1. W.James Says:
    January 1st, 2008 at 2:33 pm I suppose Dahle just expected the unions to take care of things…. he is selected union candidate so why hide who is actually running the elction by raising his own money? His name on the ballot should be Kevin “union hack” Dahle. He has not even bothered to campaign in any part of the district but Northfield and is relying on the unions and students from out of state to get out the vote.

Let’s not tell these guys that it was their candidate who lost that election. Let’s just let them slather themselves in arrogance and a nice warm milk bath. It’s that same cocky attitude that lost thatFruitFly 6 election on the 3rd and it’s the same attitude that’ll lose even bigger come this November.

But let’s not tell them… Okay? Let’s all take an oath and nobody tell Brodkorb’s idiot fan club that Dahle won…and they wasted their money sinking it into Cox. Shhhh!!!

Republican GOP Pawlenty Stunt makes veto-proof DFL Senate

The WallNovember 27, 2007 – Governor Tim Pawlenty (R) appointed State Senator Tom Neuville (R-Northfield) to serve as a judge in the 3rd District (in Rice County). In exchange for a replacement, he declared a special election (Jan 3rd 2008) to fill the vacant seat. All expectations were that a Republican would win in a landslide. It was a logical expectation. The area is, afterall, in the heart of the Congressional 1st District.

In 2006, Republicans were convinced that some obscure high school wrestling football coach named Tim Walz being elected to Congress was freakishly weird and they were positive it would be impossible to ever happen again.

Put simply: This area is GOP property and they insist the DFL keep their dirty hands off.

Last July, Pawlenty appointed Representative Steve Sviggum (R-HD 28B) as Commissioner of Labor and Industry. Sviggum, from the same geographical, was his first pick and it was a gamble. But it was a gamble he was willing to play because it was in the heart of the Republican party: south and east of the Twin Cities. Needless to say, it was a safe (political) bet. And the bet paid off: Republican Steve Drazkowski defeated DFL candidate Linda Pfeilsticker 52.9 to 46.9.

Ron Carey, Minnesota’s GOP Chair, threaded his thumbs under the lapels of his suit coat after that win, belched twice and proudly:

…characterized Drazkowski’s win as signaling “growing Republican momentum as we head into 2008,” the GOP should be cautious to read too much into this race. District 28B has voted overwhelmingly for Republican candidates in recent years.

But Pawlenty’s second gambled proved Carey wrong.

Pawlenty didn’t expect anybody would want to go out and vote in the dead of winter, especially with the distractions of the Iowa Caucuses going on. So the Governor arbitrarily decided January 3rd as a special election day just for those in the 3rd District. The stakes of second gamble was bigger than the first, and nobody, including Ron Carey, paid any attention.

Ray CoxOn November 27th, word was official that Ray Cox would run in the race to replace Neuville. Mary Lahammer of the MN Public Television’s Almanac excitedly explained that Cox was the favored son to win. On November 27th, Lahammer gushed over Cox like a cheerleader over the quarterback:

I think you’re hearing it here first, former State Representative Ray Cox just told me, “yes, I do plan to run” for the seat Sen. Tom Neuville is expected to vacate today. Cox told me he had coffee this morning with Sen. Neuville and he encouraged Cox to attend Gov. Pawlenty’s announcement at 1:00 in Faribault where the governor will appoint a new judge to the Rice County bench.

The only group that worried about a special election in the dead of winter was the League of Women Voters who sent a letter to all of the newspapers in the district saying:

To the Editor:

To fill the District 25 state senate seat vacated by Sen. Tom Neuville, whom Governor Pawlenty appointed to a judgeship, the governor has called a special election on January 3rd and a primary election on December 18th.

The League of Women Voters believes that eligible voters have the right to be informed about candidates’ positions, the right to vote, and the right to have their vote counted. Scheduling an election immediately after a major holiday season protects none of these rights for many voters.

There is a real possibility that it may be difficult if not impossible for significant numbers of absentee voters to obtain and return absentee ballots by mail in time for them to be counted.

Still, nobody’s paying any attention. It’s a perfect set-up. Pawlenty, Ron Carey…They’re all very… very comfortable with the “Electoral hood-wink of 2008.”

Exactly one month later, December 27, Mpls Star Tribune endorsed Cox and complained that while Dahle was a good man, he simply lacked any experience as a politician. Ray Cox, the Trib claimed, although a Republican, was a moderate in his politics. They cited his stand on environmental issues among other things. (Thanks to Northfield blogger site Locally Grown.)

The entire GOP was happy. No need to call the Minneapolis Star-Tribune a “liberal media outlet” this time. True to the demands of the Star-Trib’s corporate heads of boards and cheating editorial chief; the Strib did it’s job in supporting the GOP. And so the party went back to their Holiday Spirits and roasted their nuts by warm fire light.MomMorph

Pretty arrogant of the GOP, don’t you think? They have an election going on, called by their own party, and they don’t do jack-squat about it. They’d even get the state’s largest newspaper to endorse their guy and they don’t give a whit! They’d rather stay home and count how many knuckles they can stuff up their nose on one finger.

Yesterday..:January 3rd: The good citizens of the 25th district went out, stomped through the cold and voted en mass for DFL candidate Kevin Dahle, sans GOP electoral efforts.

Minnesota Secretary of State’s reports that Kevin Dahle won in an easy landslide:

  • Independant Vance Norgaard 296 votes 2.40%
  • Republican Ray Cox 5225 votes 42.37%
  • DFL Kevin Dahle 6802 votes 55.15%
  • Write-In 10 votes 0.08%

The Minnesota GOP has since, become unglued:Brodkorb with Al Franken

Michael B. Brodcorb of Minnesota Democrats Exposed, went stumping for votes by going door to door on Wednesday (1/2/8). But the following day, the day of the election, he decided to sit at home and bitch in his blog that Minnesota’s Secretary of State Mark Ritchie (DFL) buried the news that there was a special election.

(Yes Mr. Brodcorb… Since the GOP didn’t do their job in notifying their constituents that there was such an election, it’s time to once again bitch at the DFL Secretary of State for not doing a good enough job to you satisfaction. …Because everybody knows that each and every GOP voter checks the S.O.S.’s website daily for updated information on issues such as elections, and …”licensing fees”. We all agree: “You’ve been horribly wronged, and we sympathize.”)

What an embarrassing Bawl Baby.

Meanwhile, Drew Emmer of Wright County Republican, complained bitterly about the loss. For Emmer, it wasn’t DFL Mark Ritchie’s fault at all. No, it was the fault of Al Franken and Rep Tim Walz (DFL MN CD-1) who stumped hard through the cold and the snow for voters to turn out for Kevin Dahle. Blame that damned Al Franken and that freaky football coach for the GOP’s woes. In fact, Emmer’s entire blog entry reaks of a third grader who’s just had his juice-box stolen:

Local politics is finite math. The DFL found victory in coy manipulation of same-day registration and what is reported as a higher than expected student turnout in Northfield proper. There was no credible rallying alarm for the conservative base to respond to. That was largely because many in the conservative base felt somewhat excluded by the process whereby Neuville anointed Cox without the benefit of a grassroots vetting of the GOP endorsement.

To be honest, Emmer’s gripe is valid. The GOP arrogantly assumed it was an easy win for Cox from the beginning. (Considering the district is historically “moderately” conservative.) Pawlenty made the appointment because everybody was on the hay-wagon for this sleazy deal from the beginning, right?!

No. Brodkorb was pissed off. Fingers still frostbitten from Tuesdays doorbell smashing, he unleashed a butt-load of whoop-ass on his GOP com padres:

Drew, I consider you a friend and I tip my hat to you. You did nothing to help out with the SD 25 special election, yet by quickly pointing out this morning how everyone else stumbled, you win the first-ever Minnesota Democrats Exposed Man Not In The Arena Award.

Drew’s prize is the opportunity to come on tomorrow’s radio show and tell the listeners of NARN “The Final Word” how we all could have done a better job. The number is (651) 289-4488 and I look forward to Drew’s collecting his prize anytime after 3:45 p.m. Congrats Drew!

It’s more fun than watching midget-wrestling, don’t you think?!

Bush Evil The knee-jerk is to lash out and throw fiery barbs at your friends by giving them “Dunce Awards” hoping that, when Der Fuher shows up at the Xcel Energy Center this fall, he’ll decide who’s to blame for this disaster. (Hopefully he’ll blame Emmer!! Oh please! Oh please! Let it be Emmer!!)

Brokorb isn’t finished either. Mitch Berg, of “Shot in the Dark” also was pissed off at the loss, and blogged about it. Brodkorb offered a stupid “Runner-Up Dunce Cap” award:

My NARN colleague (and friend) Mitch Berg wins “honorable mention” by regurgitating Drew’s post and adding his own “analysis” on why the Republican effort came up short in SD 25. I’ll will be asking Mitch to stay in the studio tomorrow (NARN II ends right before NARN III begins) to claim his “honorable mention” award. Congrats Mitch!

The Minnesota DFL has check-mated the Republican governor.

Pawlenty’s lost the Minnesota Senate to the DFL with a veto-proof majority and in 2006, he lost all of the State’s elected Officers to the DFL. We’re down to 1 Republican US Senator in Norm Coleman (Lame Flip-Flopper), Michele (Jesus) Bachmann in the 6th (Wack-Job), John Kline in the 2nd CD (Iraqi War whore) and the GOP’s only respected elected official, Jim Ramstad (R-Stepping Down Maybe) in the third.

The biggest applause belongs to Kevin Dahle and his wife Beth. “Welcome to the DFL and to political ground-swell movement of Change Senator Dahle! We’re weird, we’re nutty, and occasionally we’re bitFruitFly 6 kookie. But we’re always pleased that you’re there to represent us.”

My humble thanks to Zack over at MNPublius, who deserves all of the credit for all of the information on this subject. If I didn’t have my “Zack” over at MN Publius, nothing in this blog entry would make any sense at all.