…About that alleged “Liberal Press”

In January 2008, Hamas TV came out with an ad that spoke poorly about George W Bush, saying he was the anti-christ.

The right wingers went insane and huffed: “How dare they?!” The right wing nutjobs over at Little Green Footballs said:

Hamas TV continues churning out sick, weird, genocidal propaganda; here’s their creative effort to welcome George W. Bush to the Middle East, featuring a comic book villain voice ranting in broken English for some reason. We’ve been hearing from the mainstream media about the poor children of Gaza who can’t afford batteries for their hearing aids, but nobody wonders where Hamas is getting the money to produce this kind of evil incitement—or asks why they aren’t buying children’s hearing aids instead.

And meanwhile, they crab about our alleged “liberal media”. So when CNN runs this…

…Things are just fine with them.

They’re all hypocrites. The media, the right wingers, the entire lot. Hypocrites.

On the Little Green Footballs site, there are some four hundred comments that have been left. Recalling that the original post was on January 14, 2008 – Comment #136 says:

MSM would love nothing better than an aging, cranky McCain go against a young, vibrant Obama. That is the stuff Landslides are made of.

Excellent instincts, really crappy prediction.


Media Matters is running a story about CNN who’s just announced their newest line-up of “Top Political Reporters”. These people will get tons of face-time on camera and the entire CNN staff will regard what these people say as being “gold”. Who are these new “Journalistic Prodigies”?

I’m glad you asked:

CNN has added five more top political reporters and commentators to its deep bench of political contributors and analysts.” CNN’s new “top political reporters and commentators” that “span” the “spectrum” include reported McCain adviser Alex Castellanos, former RNC official Tara Walls, Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody (A Pat Robertson patsy!)— who once described a male blogger as Fred Thompson’s “angry girlfriend” — and Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank.

Emphasis’ are all mine.

Sounds like they’re aiming right for the “center” and “unbiased” look! I’m guessing they’ll start with that breaking story in Ohio where Republicans are caught trying tor suppress voter registration and absentee voting under a brand-new law they themselves penned and ran through the courts in the first place!!

h/t Buzzflash for the entire Update.

Secret Young Republicans training compound located!!

First photos are emerging from behind the enemy lines, where their nefarious indoctrination techniques corrupt the innocent minds of America’s youth and prepare them for a life committed to espousing Republican ideology that runs counter to their own self interests!

We all owe a debt of gratitude to the Democratic operatives that have risked their lives to bring us this first haunting photo:

Elephant Slide

Here we can obviously see a seemingly innocent piece of playground equipment that has been twisted by the right-wing propaganda masters into some sort of sick political metaphor…

Undercover operatives for the Democratic Party have told us that Republican parents force their unwilling children up the molded plastic stairs into the GOP’s “Indoctrination Machine.” These children remain inside for up to 48 hours until they are fully processed. The children, once they are completely transformed into a smelly mass of waste material, will eventually tumble down the chute behind the Indoctrination Machine fully prepared to carry-on the Neocon Agenda.

Said one Republican mother after her child was expelled from the Indoctrination Machine: “Oh, he’s still the little stinker he always was….” where she snickered and waddled away.FruitFly

UNICEF, Save the Children and Sally Struthers have begun nationwide media campaigns to save these poor little children before they’ve become indoctrinated into the little GOP shit’s that’s expected of each and every one of them. So please: If you can give anything, please give to Sally Struther’s Christian Children’s Fund. Because Jesus, and only Jesus could love these little Turds.

I found it on Bartcop Nation… So it must be true!

A Fruit Fly Rant: An Excuse For Prosecuting Christians

RantConservative Christians have been claiming the “poor persecuted” gripe for years now. And, while they seem to completely empty on pointing out exactly when society actually persecuted them, they milk the mantra completely to death.

When I was a kid, I heard all of them. All of them! Let’s see if I can come up wit… Got it!

There was a time (when exactly is never clarified) when the king (which king?) ruled that Christianity was to be illegal. So this kind sent out his men and persecuted everybody who professed to be a Christian. The Royal decree proclaimed that not only Christians be persecuted, but their Holy Bibles were to be destroyed.

Well, then the king’s were coming to this village and this little old lady heard about the decree and knew her Holy Bible would be destroyed. So the old lady made a pie, and she tucked her precious Holy Bible inside of the pie and filled the rest of the space with her fruit filling.

So, when the men came into her home they searched everywhere for a Holy Bible but couldn’t find one. And the little old lady offered them a piece of her pie which they ate it with relish. Satisfied that the little old lady was not a Christian and she had no Bible, they left her house alone where she prayed and read her Bible in piece.


Complete rubbish. But, the opportunity of the prominent Christians in our society play the cliche at every opportunity.

Jerry Falwell – On the main page of his website you’ll find the phrase describing the contents of his propaganda piece “National Liberty Journal”:

Identify the key religious freedom cases of the day, as people of faith continue to be the most persecuted individuals in America..

Pat Robertson will fall over backward to tell you how horrible it is to be a Christian because they’re so persecuted.

The opposite is the true of course. Reverend Pat Robertson will be the first to push the call for the assasination of Hugo Chavez and US Supreme Court Judges. Oops….My bad. Robertson told his television audience that God told Pat that He would take care of Supreme Court judges on behalf of Pat Robertson. God does Pat’s bidding, you understand.

Tom DeLay. When he was forced to resign his position, he immediately jumped on the “poor persecuted Christian” routine and looked everywhere for support. He even managed to find a conference called “War On Christians” in March 2006.

Rick Scarborough, the convener of the conference said during the gathering:

“I believe the most damaging thing that Tom DeLay has done in his life is take his faith seriously into public office, which made him a target for all those who despise the cause of Christ,” Scarborough said, introducing DeLay on Tuesday. When DeLay finished, the host reminded the politician: “God always does his best work right after a crucifixion.”

The emphasis is mine of course. My question is “Who?”

Who are these people who “despise the cause of Christ”? Will this person please leave a comment and tell me about yourself and your organization?

I want to get to know if these alleged people who “despise the cause of Christ”. Do they have “meetings” and conventions where they scheme new ways to destory Christians? Where? May I sign up and attend such a conference?

…And exactly to what extent of their destruction is necessary? Do these “Christ-hating” people have conventions and conferences to discuss these issues? Could I please have some additional information on this?

How many Christians are there who are tucking their KJV’s into fruit-filled pies? And what kind of persecution are they suffering from? Is it like Bush water-boarding young Iraqi men?

St Pat “The Persecuted” Robertson said to Molly Ivins in 1993:

“Just like what Nazi Germany did to the Jews, so liberal America is now doing to the evangelical Christians. It’s no different. It is the same thing. It is happening all over again. It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-based media and the homosexuals who want to destroy the Christians. Wholesale abuse and discrimination and the worst bigotry directed toward any group in America today. More terrible than anything suffered by any minority in history.”

Saint Pat here claims that Christians are more persecuted that the Jews during the Holocaust! What did I miss? Where are these Christians being funneled into ovens and gassed to death? Where in America can I find that “Dachau” prison system? Is it right outside of St Louis somewhere?If these Christians are being so horribly persecuted, I say that we’re all wasting our time. Let’s “fix” them when they’re young! Face it, we’re obviously spending too much money to gas them in that American Dachau, and to throw them into jail, that costs money too!

Can we neuter this “Christian” trait? Can we identify the very DNA protein that makes them feel persecuted and we’ll be able to cure ourselves from this Christian “disease” garden variety g-nome?

Lonnie LathamLet’s begin persecuting them like they claim they have been all along! Let’s begin by finding a way to cure the wacked outSwaggartJesus Campers” while in-vitro. If we can find a genetic attribute before the Christian is born, tweak the gene and we can finally quit listening to them bellyaching once and for all! Let’s face it: We’ll be rid of the Gay Male Porn industry if we never had Ted Haggard’s out there yelling and screaming about all of this “persecution”. Lonnie Latham, senior pastor of the South Tulsa Baptist Church and senior executive of the Southern Baptist Convention wouldn’t be persecuted in jail right now if he would have been cured of his Christianity before he was born! Come to think of it, without Jimmy Swaggart, we would put a serious dent into the str8 female prostitution industry as well!

I can’t even be crafty enough to hatch such an idea. However, Reverend R. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY is crafty enough. The horribly persecuted Christian said exactly:

“If a biological basis is found, and if a prenatal test is then developed, and if a successful treatment to reverse the sexual orientation to heterosexual is ever developed, we would support its use as we should unapologetically support the use of any appropriate means to avoid sexual temptation and the inevitable effects of sin.”

That’s right. Mohler has decided that a.) Homosexuality is no longer a “choice”, but is instead “genetic” and b.) There is currently no “cure” for homosexuality, but when there is one, it should be used on unborn babies and we will once and for all wipe it off the face the Earth. Gay and lesbian people are nothing but God’s genetic flaws. As “Dr” Laura Schlessinger called gays “biological errors“, we can see that even the persecutic conservative Jews agree that homosexuality is genetic.

MeDr. Mohler said that he would be “unapologetic”. As well as he shouldn’t be. When we really and truly begin persecuting Christians like we should have been doing all along, we’ll see less and less of this depraved indifference towards each other.

Pigs in the Ditch

Bush Threatens The American People (again):

threatI hate it when he does this. He sets in these subtle little nuances in everything he says or does thinking he’s being clever. It’s like when Marilyn French wrote “The Women’s Room”: It was a novel published as a metaphore for women’s studies.

Bush, unfortunately, is far too stupid to be brushed with the same stroke, or with the same hue, and he attempted with the idea that he was just as smart as the 1970’s, ’80’s, 90’s and the 2-thousand-K’s.

Bush get’s published in the Wall Street Journal’s Oped piece the other day. And reading this “piece” constructively, critically or even honestly… well, you go ahead and read it yourself.

Our Founders believed in the wisdom of the American people to choose their leaders and provided for the concept of divided and effective government. The majority party in Congress gets to pass the bills it wants. The minority party, especially where the margins are close, has a strong say in the form bills take. And the Constitution leaves it to the president to use his judgment whether they should be signed into law.

That gives us a clear challenge and an opportunity. If the Congress chooses to pass bills that are simply political statements, they will have chosen stalemate. If a different approach is taken, the next two years can be fruitful ones for our nation. We can show the American people that Republicans and Democrats can come together to find ways to help make America a more secure, prosperous and hopeful society. And we will show our enemies that the open debate they believe is a fatal weakness is the great strength that has allowed democracies to flourish and succeed.

The emphasis is mine of course and I have to beg a difference by asking: Isn’t that a threat?

More importantly, it’s a blanketed threat!

The Monkey-In-Chief could have eleminated the phrase; “that are simply making political statements,” and all you end up with is his “brilliant” metaphore:

“If the Congress chooses to pass bills they will have chosen stalemate”

The “Great Decider” goes on with his ransom note: “If they decide to do something different…then all will be well with our great America”. Ahhh… It’s like a tub of warm sudsy water…(and an alligator).

Screw you Booosh. To quote your ownself as wanna-be “The War President” during your own ceremonies of your last four years in 2004! Let me quote you:
“The American people have spoken.”Bush Waxed

Don’t threaten us, you Texas-sized Gas-Bag. We, the American people ain’t your Daddy who gave you whatever the hell you wanted to keep you from throwing a fit. You’re a Deuche.

Can we give this Bush a bikini-wax once and for all?!?!

Pat Robertson says: God Loves Death

I’m beginning to believe that Pat Robertson’s popularity score is directly porportional to everytime he claims God told him to hope for someone to die or get assasinated. For a while, Pat was “channelling” God and recruiting someone to assasinate Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela. Then, Pat was “channelling” God by hoping someone on the US Supreme Court would die. Honest! You thought I was kidding?! Go back and read it! Pat Robertson actually “channeled God Almighty” by predicting Liberal US Supreme Court Justicies would die. It’s horrorific.

Why is it that the GOP harbors people like these Horror-Monsters of Death? And they keep claiming that they’re the “True Patriotic Americans”!
Now he’s channelling God again by claiming that there will be severe terrorist attacks in the latter half of 2007. fortuneteller.jpg

Now let me channel God for a minute: “Ummmmm….. I believe Pat Robertson will die and everybody will be happier, including God.”

Dumb Ass…

Yahoo and CNN Pretend To Be “News”:

Corporate media giants like Time-Warner’s CNN and Yahoo contribute to the Republican Party in Congress anymore, pull a Britney Spears “Ooopsie, I Did It Again” with US Senator Barak Obama (D-IL). The GOP has been fiddling with Senator Obama’s newly found fame and best selling book “The Audacity of Hope”. Encouraged to screw with the American’s psychie by re-arranging the letters in his names in order to connect him to GW Bush’s long-forgotten enemy Osama bin Laden. (Who, by the way, is the youngest brother to long-time Bush family friend Salem bin Laden (d 1988) and his 34 other sons and daughters.)

The “connections” with Barak Obama are pretty straightforward:

Obama is one letter off from “Osama”

The Senator’s middle name is Houssein.

The Senator’s last name Barak rhymes with Iraq

100% school playground name-calling and nothing else. But, it’s got enough lift for both CNN and Yahoo to jump into the “bully sandbox” and join in on the name calling. It’s apparently time that all of us change the channel lables on our television sets to “CKKK News” and download our new “Ya-Queda Search” bar on our Desktop.

National Rifle Association Peddles Fear:animal rights

The NRA first went into denial saying they had nothing to do with it. Then they said they had a little bit of a hand in it. Then they admitted that they were indeed the culprits behind a propaganda flyer that was sent out to all of their subscribers. I don’t understand this story at all. They’re the folks with the Guns! And yet they’re saying that the “barn-owl smootching tree-huggers” are the terrorists?

Bring it on… bee-yotch!!!
