Secret Young Republicans training compound located!!

First photos are emerging from behind the enemy lines, where their nefarious indoctrination techniques corrupt the innocent minds of America’s youth and prepare them for a life committed to espousing Republican ideology that runs counter to their own self interests!

We all owe a debt of gratitude to the Democratic operatives that have risked their lives to bring us this first haunting photo:

Elephant Slide

Here we can obviously see a seemingly innocent piece of playground equipment that has been twisted by the right-wing propaganda masters into some sort of sick political metaphor…

Undercover operatives for the Democratic Party have told us that Republican parents force their unwilling children up the molded plastic stairs into the GOP’s “Indoctrination Machine.” These children remain inside for up to 48 hours until they are fully processed. The children, once they are completely transformed into a smelly mass of waste material, will eventually tumble down the chute behind the Indoctrination Machine fully prepared to carry-on the Neocon Agenda.

Said one Republican mother after her child was expelled from the Indoctrination Machine: “Oh, he’s still the little stinker he always was….” where she snickered and waddled away.FruitFly

UNICEF, Save the Children and Sally Struthers have begun nationwide media campaigns to save these poor little children before they’ve become indoctrinated into the little GOP shit’s that’s expected of each and every one of them. So please: If you can give anything, please give to Sally Struther’s Christian Children’s Fund. Because Jesus, and only Jesus could love these little Turds.

I found it on Bartcop Nation… So it must be true!

Barack Obama’s Great Hate Parade

Barack Obama RapperBarack Obama’s campaign is now appearing more as a parade of silliness than as a serious candidate for the President of the United States. The author of Obama’s official campaign blog is now reaching for straws while observing Obama’s public speeches. Applying a “GLBT” message where there isn’t much more than a mention of diversity in what Barack Obama actually said.

This story gained helium last week when the Senator jealously tried to fish for more votes from the African-American voter community. Obama set up a three-city tour of gospel singers for him to go out on tour and his star headliner was Donnie McClurkin, the same McClurkin who sang at the 2004 Republican National Convention. The link, from Fox News, is entitled: “Gay Minister Joins Obama in Concert in S.C.” is misleading, because according to McClurkin, he’s no longer gay. (Leave it to Fox to screw up their own philosophies and the prophets that preach them.) Pam Spaulding has a video of McClurkin’s 204 GOP/NRC performance, if you’re really that desperate.

Not only does Donnie McClurkin believe he’s gay anymore, but he also believes that the rest of “the Gays” are murdering children and they’re cursed. The National Black Justice Coalition quotes McClurkin saying referencing “The Gays”:

“The gloves are off and if there’s going to be a war, there’s going to be a war. But it will be a war with a purpose?. I’m not in the mood to play with those who are trying to kill our children.”

So, we have an alleged X-Gay who’s now preaching the GospelPMS Detergent and getting Grammy Awards for singing Gospel Music, and after all of that hatred towards gay and lesbian people…and, McClurkin is allowed to call himself a Christian? Why is Senator Barack Obama saddling up with this kind of hate-monger? One more rhetorical question, I promise: Did Donnie McClurkin really manage to pray all that gay away?

The other singing “sensation” that went out on tour with Obama and McClurkin are a couple of sisters Tina Atkins and Erica Campbell who formed a group called “Mary Mary”. These lovely ladies started singing in church, but now they’re at bars and clubs and singing Jesus’ praises and spreading God’s Love everywhere they go. And when these two get interviewed by Vibe Magazine, the “gay question” is brought up.

Said Vibe:

I’m not sure if you are aware of this, but you have a large gay following. How do you feel about homosexuality and having a gay following?

Erica was the first to reply (the highlights are my own):

We are aware. Um… how do I feel about homosexuality? I feel how God feels about it, um… but I still love them. You know what I mean? I don’t agree with the lifestyle, but I love them. They can come to the concert; I’m going to hug them just like I hug everybody else. They have issues and need somebody to encourage them like everybody else – just like the murderer, just like the one full of pride, just like the prostitute, everybody needs God. What your struggle is may not be what my struggle is, but we all need Him. So, that’s what our music is about: giving and God. Not to condone the lifestyle or to say, Oh it’s okay, but not to bash – but just to give them God.

Fruit LoopsErica here equates homosexuality to murderers, prostitutes and people who are “full of pride”. Did you just choke on your Fruit Loops and have a little milk erp out of your nose? Tina picks it up from there by saying:

Everyone has things in their life that they need to correct, everybody has struggles. Even though that’s the way we feel, we don’t bash, and we embrace everybody who enjoys our music. Hopefully our music is impacting them in a way that, if they see there’s some things in their life that’s not quite right and doesn’t align themselves with what the Bible says – hopefully our music impacts them in a way that makes them want to change it.

Miss Thing here – she’s gay bashing but wants you to know she just isn’t into gay bashing. She’s quick to point out others who “align themselves” with the Bible and dumb enough to for skip over that part that says; “Judge not, lest ye be judged.

This is Barack Obama’s way to “reaching” out to the African-American voter? Was it his idea is to hatch the Black version of the Klu Klux Klan? The hate-speech that spews from these people on their hatred towards Gays and Lesbian and it makes Barack Obama look like the Grand Marshall of that Hate Parade.

Senator Obama makes it worse by desperately trying to make it better. HRC’s Chair Joe Solmonese issued a statement to the Senator’s campaign expressing his disappointment in his decisions to work with these hate-mongering slobs. BarackAndy Sidden Obama lunged for a chance to fix the problem and so he grabs Rev Andy Sidden, a white gay minister from Garden of Grace United Church of Christ in Winston-Salem, NC and puts him on the ticket. Mega-fast Joe Solmonese whipped out a new statement clarifying he had nothing to do with recommending Sidden.

Really… A white guy? He decided on a white guy?!

Let me guess Senator: You put a gay white dude on the ticket so you could demonstrate that African-American stereotype that says “gay” is a white-only thing? You couldn’t find a gay African-American that would be more suited to find that “American Love-In” that you were so hoping for? Oh wait, you did find two gay African-American ministers who could have represented the LGBT community very well in spite of this Big Black Hate Machine you created. Both Bishop Yvette Flunder and Bishop Tonyia Rawls of Unity Fellowship of North Carolina were available and passed over in exchange of the white gay guy. Rev. Michael Eric Dyson and Bishop Carlton Pearson were two gay male ministers who were also passed over in exchange of a white guy.

This Great Hate Parade concert ended badly and the blame goes to Donnie McClurkin. John Aravosis culled the final half from the New York Times:

He approached the subject gingerly at first. Then, just when the concert had seemed to reach its pitch and about to end, Mr. McClurkin returned to it with a full-blown plea: “Don’t call me a bigot or anti-gay when I have suffered the same feelings,” he cried.

“God delivered me from homosexuality,” he added. He then told the audience to believe the Bible over the blogs: “God is the only way.” The crowd sang and clapped along in full support….

Mr. McClurkin: Not only are you a bigot and anti-gay, you’re also liar, a hypocrite, hate-monger, a fucking whore for both the Republican Party and the Democrat Party and you’re a charlatan.

By the way, what happened to our lonely white gay minister? Why wasn’t he front and center to make sure the GLBT voice was heard after McClurkin’s tirade of hate? He wasn’t. Because after his short prayer at the beginning of the evening’s concernt, Sidden slipped out the ehem…proverbial “back door” and left the concert. And who could blame him? It’s a Hate Fest on gays and since Senator Barack Obama didn’t even bother to show up for the closing show anyway. Sidden’s already made his money. I would have skipped town too!

Now that three days have passed, Senator Obama is still tooting his “Horn of Diversity”. His official “blog master” on the Obama ’08 website makes note of his speech in Cedar Rapids, IA at Coe College.

Obama also reiterated his support for civil unions for same-sex couples, giving props to the younger generation for being more open to change, and saying that as one of the younger candidates in the race, he wants to be a part of that process. “Part of my job as president I think is to deliver a message that everybody is part of the American family,” he said. “Not just some people. And obviously as somebody who is African-American – my mother is from Kansas, my father was from Kenya, I grew up in Indonesia, I have a sister who looks Spanish, I’ve got a brother in law who is Chinese-Canadian – I’m very sensitive to making sure that everybody feels a part of America. And that’s one of the things I think I can bring to this presidency. The day I’m inaugurated the country will look at itself differently and I think be more tolerant.”

Thanks for those kind words, Senator. We realizehypocrisy that if Hillary Clinton put together a Hate Parade with a musical tour throughout South Carolina with acts that proudly proclaim: “BLACKS ARE A CURSE!” and “BLACK MEN KILL CHILDREN!”, you and the African-American community would think differently about “hate in America”. And if John Edwards would put together a duet of sexy blond whores who equate black people with murderers and prostitution, you’ll be ready-fast with a white gay guy as your personal human shield.

Senator Obama hasn’t been without opportunity to clear this up and distance himself from the Great Hate Parade he created. He has since appeared on Ellen Degeneres’ show. Ellen, who’s an openly gay woman and who’s mother Betty is an active member of PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), a spokesperson for the HRC Coming Out Project and writes a column for Planet Out e-magazine, could have created a wonderful healing moment for both the GLBT and the African-American community. Ellen, Mom Betty and Barack Obama could have become a lightning rod of attention for both the black and the GLBT communities. Obama’s best chance for a “uniting voice” within the chaos and return to looking like a true candidate for President of the United States. But he didn’t. Instead, he decided to shoot the breeze FruitFlyabout the ironic connection in ancestry between his family and Vice President Dick Cheney’s. Then he danced around the floor with Ellen and the two grooved to a few catchy dance-steps and it was done.



Found on the Outhouse Floor

Rudy Giuliani ‘s Catholic Pervert


In case we all forgot about Rudy’s love toward corrupt and now jailed Bernard Kerik… Rudy’s personal driver was placed as NYPD Police Commissioner, named a partner in Giuliani’s consulting firm, and then placed on the “short-list” to head up Homeland Security. But that was long before Kerik plead guilty for corruption charges and thrown in jail. Now Giuliani declares that he’s “BFF” with an accused child-molester, Monsignor Alan Placa.

houseflyIt would figure that a blow-hard would be best friends with a Catholic cock-sucker.

Plans expected are that the “Liberal Media” will be scrutinizing this story with headlines repeated on CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC for the next nine weeks. PBS, run and managed by Satan worshiping homosexuals, are planning on a five month mini-series to study Monsignor’s victims and raffle through his personal checkbooks. Said CNN’s mega-liberal Wolf Blitzer: “You think you’re tired of Anna Nichole Smith stories on ‘Entertainment Tonight?! You ain’t see nothing yet!”

Conservative Christians are horrified by the news and talks have begun on a public stoning on both Giuliani and Placa.

Barak Obama Climbs In Bed With X-Gay Jesus-Preacher

He’s fuzzy on the gay marriage issue, he flubs up on the “Gen Peter Pace thinks Gays are Immoral” story, he’s AWOL when it comes to the Jenna 6 story, he’s non-committal on saluting the Red, White and Blue and now Barak Obama’s in bed sodomizing an “X-Gay” who’s on a Gospel singing senation in South Carolina.

Donnie McClurkinDonnie McClurkin, a self-righteous “Christian” singer who claims he’s been cured of his propensity for pole-smoking and foreskins, claims homosexuals are a curse.

From their bed, BarakBlack Garbage Fly Obama defended his relationship with McClurkin in a written statement where he said:

I have clearly stated my belief that gays and lesbians are our brothers and sisters and should be provided the respect, dignity, and rights of all other citizens. I have consistently spoken directly to African-American religious leaders about the need to overcome the homophobia that persists in some parts our community so that we can confront issues like HIV/AIDS and broaden the reach of equal rights in this country.

houseflyOnce he finished writing those words, McClurkin offered his own views about their relationship from underneath the bed-linens by saying:

“Murphmmmphpmph. Mrfmmmfmfmf…mm!! Mrphphmmmph -murphmph”

Mitt Romney Opens His Mouth and More Stupid Things Come Out

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, slipped and flip-flopped again on the war on terrorism and “accidentally” called Barak Obama “Osama” (bin laden) in SC. Romney said:

“Actually, just look at what Osam — Barack Obama — said just yesterday. Barack Obama, calling on radicals, jihadists of all different types, to come together in Iraq. That is the battlefield. … It’s almost as if the Democratic contenders for president are living in fantasyland. Their idea for jihad is to retreat, and their idea for the economy is to also retreat. And in my view, both efforts are wrongheaded.”


Ben Smith @ Politicol tried to milk a rationalization:

Apparently, Mitt Romney can switch names just as casually as he switches positions, but what’s wrongheaded is continuing a misguided war in Iraq that has left America less safe. It’s time to end the divisiveness and fear-mongering that is at the heart of Governor Romney’s campaign.

Then (Mitt Romney)  he took a swipe at John Edwards with:


Deer FlyIt’s my personal belief that having someone like John Edwards, a senator, who goes out and communicates that there is no global war on terror — that it’s just a Bush bumper sticker — I think that is a position that is not consistent with the facts.”

Edwards was the first to responded with:Crayola

First of all, he’s got seeming amnesia. He himself has said that we’re not in a war in terror — I’ll paraphrase it — terrorists are at war with us.

After which, Edwards sent Romney a Crayola box of 64 with the built-in sharpener.

CNN’s Glenn Beck: “Malibu Fires Are Punishing Liberals/Democrats”

CNN’s smartest “news” commentator Glenn Beck shows his patriotism by noting the Malibu fires is a result of the local residents’ hatred toward America.

“I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today.”

USA Flag PinHe then placed a flag-pin on his coat lapel and went on by saying:

There are a few people that hate America. But I don’t think the Democrats are those. I think there are those posing as Democrats that are like that.Uncle Sam Hat

Then he put on his Uncle Sam hat, popped a lithium and began singing “I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy!”and tap-danced his ass off the stage.

Of course, following Beck’s logic, God’s been beating the shit out of “I Hate America” Red states like Louisiana, Florida, and Alabama for the past three years.

Forbes Magazine Ranks Minnesota 15th Greenest State

Minnesota’s been given the award of the “greenest state” followed by extra-green states like New Jersey and Maryland. While New Jersey claims less commuter miles driven each day to work and Maryland claims lower carbon footprints, it’s allhousefly in how it’s stacked up, according to the magazine’s reporters Brian Wingfield and Miriam Marcus.


On top: Vermont, Oregon and Washington. All have low carbon dioxide emissions per capita (or “carbon footprints”), strong policies to promote energy efficiency and high air quality, as indicated by their major metro areas that are low in smog and ozone pollution. They’re also among the states with the most buildings (on a per capita basis) that have received the U.S. Green Building Council’s benchmark certification, known as Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).

FruitFlyMinnesota was rudely kicked to 15th place, the authors’ said, because Minnesota’s leadership keep polluting its rivers by throwing their citizens and their automobiles while crossing the I-35 bridge. “Besides”, Ms. Marcus said; “Technically; Minnesota is only green for about four months out of the year. The rest of the year, Minnesota is all white!”